خالصة لوجه الله, حقيقة مؤامرات المخابرات الكندية ضد البروفسور رشـــوان و أسبابها الخفيه, نصره الله عليهم, آمين
للحصول على شهادة بنك التقنيات "متخصص تقنيات شخصية
نرجو التقدم لطلب الإختبارمع تقديم شهادة إجتياز مساق البيوع و المعاملات من أكاديمية زاد
حملة المليون 1,000,000
بحمدالله بعد النجاح الشديد لحملة المائة ألف دورة تدريبية للفلسطينيين منذ سنوات و تحول مخترعيهم إلى مستثمري تقنية يكسروا الحصار, الآن حملة المليون من بنك التقنيات الدولي - رشــوان.كوم
لمليون مخترع مسلم من أمة المليارين - خير أمة أخرجت للناس
ممولة بالكامل من بنك التقنيات الدولي - رشستار
دورة تدريبية مجاناً
لا قيود على الخلفية التعليمية أو التفرغ للدراسة
البروفسور رشــوان:
التقنيات الشخصية التي سببها الله لنجاح مشاريعنا بحمدالله و توفيقه, الآن ملك لجميع المسلمين, ندعو الله مخلصين أن يتقبلها علم نافع للأمة, و أن يجعل مثل آجرها لكل من درسها و ترجمها للغات الأمة حول العالم, آمين.
حملة المليون لكورسات البروفسور رشـوان
لا تستلزم إشتراك أو بريدك الإلكتروني أو حتى تحميل ملفات الكورسات بعد أن مرت بالسحابيات مثل أية كورسات تعليمية أخرى
الكورسات معروضة على صفحة حملة المليون و ما عليك إلا دراستها بجد و تطبيقها بعد الإستعانة بالله
الإستراتيجيات التي تم إتباعها في نجاح شركات النياجرا و النانوماكس و الرشستار و الطوافات و الجنسنج البري و سترات السيول و غيرها من شركات بنك التقنيات
كيف يمكنك عمل مشاريع مماثلة من الصفر
هدية من بنك التقنيات لكل المخترعين و أصحاب الأفكار و الشباب بالوطنين العربي و الإسلامي
Essential Strategies for Technopreneurs
كورس المشـــاريع
أن يتبنى أحدهم فكرتك إهانة لك و سيطرة على تصورك لمستقبل إنجازاتك - لا تفعل!
بدون شروط و ابدأ بنفسك و انجح بنفسك و لا تنتظر أحد
كيف تبدأ بمشروع كامل و تبيع بكميات وحدك بإذن الله
كورسات الأعمال من البروفسور رشـوان
مستمرة التحديث
بعد نقلة بنك التقنيات العالمية
تعلم كيف تبدأ من الصفر في أي وقت و في أي مكان و أقوى في كل مرة
و يكون فقدانك خسارة لمن فقدوك و مكسب كنز لمن إكتسبوك
أفضل أسرار البروفسور رشــوان- من أجل شباب المسلمين
كيف تهمش الأنظمة و المسؤولين الفاسدين بدلاً من تهميشك
النصر للتقنيات الشخصية بإذن الله
إستراتيجيات ضرورية لمستثمر التقنية
ISBN-13 : 978-0-9737536-0-8
للبروفسور رشــوان – رئيس بنك التقنيات الدولي
بلغة الكتاب الاصلية - الإنجليزية -
تعلم ممن تخصصه المشاريع القائمة و المستمرة و الناجحة بحمدالله
كورس الإستراتيجيات
إستراتيجيات ضرورية لمستثمر التقنية
ISBN-13 : 978-0-9737536-0-8
للبروفسور رشــوان – رئيس بنك التقنيات الدولي
بلغة الكتاب الاصلية - الإنجليزية
العرض باللغة العربية - ترجمة متخصصة -
الآن أفضل منتجات بنك التقنيات
هل تريد تعلم عمل مشروعات مماثلة؟
الكورسات المدمجة للمشاريع من بنك التقنيات
سبعة كورسات بالإنجليزية مدمجة في باقة واحدة في إستراتيجيات ضرورية لمستثمر التقنية
حسن من لغة أعمالك الدولية و إستفد من تطبيقات مباشرة لتنفيذ مشروعك في إي دولة بالعالم و تعامل مع أي دولة أخرى - ما السر؟
البدء بدون تمويل
كيانك التجاري, إختيارك
الشبكة العالمية, مملكتك
المقايضة الشرعية, إتصالات و فوائد
تحويل التحديات إلى فرص
التصنت عليك و إنقلاب السحر على الساحر
فن النجاح, نجاحك أنت
كيفية إستثمار التقنيات الشخصية كسبب مباشر في إنجاح المشاريع التقنية بإذن الله مهما كانت التحديات الداخلية و الخارجية
إبدأ في دراسة الإستراتيجيات الآن و فوراً بدون إنتظار
ما الفرق بين النسخة العربية من الكورسات المدمجة و الكورسات الأجنبية من بنك التقنيات
1- البروفسور رشــوان يقدم بنفسه النسخة العربية بقلب العربي المسلم لإخوانه و أبنائه مع العديد من التطبيقات المحلية و الإسقاطات الواقعية على المجتمعات العربية و الإسلامية و لذلك حجمها و مكوناتها مضاعفة و مع ذلك نقدمها بأقل تكلفة ممكنة - مع تقسيمها في الإصدار العربي على كورسات مفردة مع هدايا تشمل أسرار في الإدارة و الإنترنت و المنافسات و كذلك تركيبات سرية لأكثر من منتج في " صندوق التقنيات الشخصية المتكاملة" حيث يصلك بالخامات و التركيبات و الإستراتيجيات و كيف تبدأ
رشـــوان - كورسات المشاريع المدمجة - الإصدار العربي -
صندوق التقنيات الشخصية المتكاملة للعديد من المشاريع - شحن و إستلام مع بطاقة دعوة لحضور المحاضرات - ميزة كورسات المبادرة هو المبادرة بالحصول على المواد و التطبيقات و التقنيات قبل المحاضرات مما يعطي وقت كافي لكل شخص للإستيعاب بخطواته الشخصية قبل تتويج ذلك في المحاضرات و الشهادات - أيضا تحتوي على عينات متميزة من أسرار تركيبات و منتجات في الصندوق و لا يوجد هذين الأسلوبين الثوريين من البروفسور رشــوان في أية كورسات آخرى على حد علمنا حتى الآن - نشر هذا الأسلوب يسعدنا و نشجعه
كورسات رشـــوان العربية لها رقم إصدار \ تحديث تعرف من خلاله مستوى التحديث و التنقيح الدوري للكورسات و هل حان الوقت لتحديث ما لديك
4- الكورسات المدمجة للمشاريع - الإصدار العربي - تقدم خبرة محلية و عالمية لثلاث عقود في التقنيات الشخصية في إقامة المشاريع الناجحة من أسرار المداخل للمشاريع المختلفة إلى المفاجآت التقنية في كيفية إنجاح كل مشروع حسب كل تحدي و حجمه و مداه
من هو البروفسور رشـــوان؟
الدكتور حـــــامد ع. م. رشــــوان، رئيس بنك التقنيات , دكتوراه البحث العلمي و تطوير التقنيات المدمجة – كندا
كان أول من إبتكر معالج سيارات كندي منذ عشرين عاما متعدياً في الجودة الأمريكي و الياباني كمشروع بكالوريوس لإطالة عمر المحركات و حمايتها بعد فقد الزيت تحت علامة رشستار و أسس شركة رشستار كوربوراشن و من ثم بدء في رسالة الماجستير التي تحولت إلى الدكتوراه لطولها في عشر سنوات و عمقها حيث حوت سبعة مشاريع تقنية مطبقة تشمل مشاريع صحية و إنقاذية تباعا من خلال شركته و إضافتها لأسلوب البحث العلمي من الفكرة إلى التطبيق ثم التطوير ثم التفعيل الميداني ، رسالة الدكتوراه منشورة من خلال خدمة النشر ببنك التقنيات الذي أسسه الدكتور رشوان لتوفير التقنيات كحق لكل الناس:
"Research & Development Techniques, A thesis Case Studies"
ISBN-13 978-0-9737536-1-5
تميُز الدكتور رشــــوان في التقنيات المدمجة جعلت مشاريعه تمتد لكل تقنية يمكن تطويرها و بعمق شديد, حيث تميز في إدارته للتطوير التقني بالسرعة و الدقة في تحديد عيوب التقنيات الحالية بعد معايشتها شخصيا و محاورة مستخدميها و المتعاملين معها و المسح المكثف لكل ما يتعلق بها من تطوير حول العالم و لو في مجال آخر ثم وضح خطة قوية و مرنة حسب المعطيات و بأهداف مرحلية للتفوق بالتقنية المطلوبة، أبحاث الدكتور رشـــوان شملت الجينسينج البري و توطينه بالأراضي العربية و إعادة بناء نظام جديد للعلاج الآدمي يشمل مختلف العلاجات المثبتة و عدم تهميش أي منها مع نجاحات بالتحاليل في تطوير الفايتوز الطبيعي و إبتكار مستخلص العسل الخالي من السكر و السعرات و كذلك العلاج بالنانو تكنولوجي المغناطيسي و تطوير الهوفركرافت في الإنقاذ من الأعاصير و السيول باختراعه للطواف و تطوير عمل المحركات و علاجاتها و زيوت السيارات المركزة لتوفير الغيار المتكرر للزيت و إبتكار مغناطيس فلاتر زيوت السيارات و المحركات بالإضافة إلى العديد من التقنيات المدمجة تحت التنفيذ في المباني الجاهزة الإقتصادية و تقنيات التعامل مع الكوارث و إعذاب الماء و تنقيته بالمجال المغناطيسي و تطوير خامات و أزياء ملابس المسلمين استعدادا للتحديات القادمة و إيجاد بعد ثالث للإنقاذ و النجاة و الإعتماد على الذات بعد الله بكل تجمع مدني و تمتد أهدافه إلى نشر آلية تعليم التقنيات المدمجة بالوطن الإسلامي و العربي
منح البروفسور رشـوان مؤخراً الجائزة العالمية لأفضل منظمة بحثية - البروفسور رشـوان أعاد إهداء الجائزة لجميع عملائه و طلب طباعتها على جميع منتجات بنك التقنيات ليحصل عليها العميل مع كل منتج ففي إستراتيجياته - العملاء شركاء
مقدمة الكورسات من البروفسور رشـــوان :
لتنفيذ مشروعك التقني بنجاح في أي مجتمع, لابد من دراسة مركزة لخامات البيئة ذات العلاقة و معايير الأفراد الشخصية و شكل دورة رأس المال في هذا المجتمع و منها تختار شكل سياسة الإستراتيجيات السبع التي ستنتهجها بإذن الله
• كيف تتحول من صاحب فكرة إلى صاحب عمل بعيداً عن المسئول الفاسد أو الوكيل غير النزيه أو الشريك المستغل و بنفسك بإذن الله
• كيف تكون صاحب منتج يحتاجه الناس و يطلبونه و تبيع بالملايين بدلاً من صاحب إختراع يطرق الأبواب
• إستراتيجيات عالمية مجربة و في أكثر من دولة و بأكثر من لغة و على مدى عشرون عاماً يمكنك تطويعها لتناسبك
• آلية جعل إتصالاتك محددة الأهداف و الأسباب و فرصة إستفادة للجميع بدلاً من ضياع الوقت و النقود
• العديد من المشاريع المنفذة بأكثر من دولة و بأكثر من لغة تستخدم نفس الإستراتيجيات
• كيف تدعم فكرتك البسيطة بآليات التنفيذ و عينات البدء و كيف يتحول إختراعك بالتنفيذ الدؤوب إلى تقنية منفردة و شخصية تمثلك و تحول من يقلدك إلى فاشل
• لماذا التقنية الشخصية أفضل من المشاريع الصغيرة و كيف يمكن تحويلها إلى شركات عالمية و بعدة مصانع لحسابك
• لماذا شراكة الشركات أفضل من الشراكات الفردية المحدودة و لماذا شركة الفرد الواحد هي الحل - لماذا تسجيل الإختراع فقط أفضل لك من طلب براءته – خذ الإستراتيجيات ممن جربها و نجح فيها بحمد الله
• لماذا التضييق على مشاريع التقنيات الشخصية لا ينجح و لماذا صاحب التقنيات الشخصية - Protek - دائماً مدعوم من الجماهير و له محبيه
• لماذا إنتظار من يشتري إختراعك هو ببساطة عرضه للسرقة و أن أفضل طريقة هي تنفيذه و تحويله إلى إنتاج و لكن بطريقة عالمية و فعالة
• كيف يمكنك البدء من الصفر و بدون تمويل كما بدأت و لأكثر من مرة و في أكثر من دولة
• هل يمكنك تقديم منتج جديد في 24 ساعة جاهز للتجربة و البيع و كامل المواصفات – تعلم السر
• كيف تنجح في المنافسة في حين ينجح غيرك بالإحتكار و بالتالي تكسر الإحتكار و الحصار عن مجتمعك لأي منتج
• تعلم كيف تحلم و تعيش منتج و تقنيتك الشخصية بعد عشرين عاماً من الآن و ماذا ينتج من ذلك
• هل تسمية إختراعك و تقنيتك مهمة و ما هي الطريقة لأسم يستمر و يكبر معك
• ما الفرق بين الإجتماعات الفعلية و إجتماعات الهاتف و كيف تدرب من حولك على التشغيل بتعليمات هاتف واضحة
• لماذا قبول التصنت ظاهرياً مع بعض المقاومة هو افضل طريقة لضرب التصنت و ما السر
• لماذا نقل التقنيات مع الأيدلوجيا هو خطأ إستراتيجي لا يجب الوقوع فيه أبداً
• هل يمكنك تحويل أوقات التحديات و التعطيل إلى أوقات مثمرة تنفع مستقبلاً , تعلم كيف
• من مصنع مصائد فئران إلى مصنع أرفف منزلية و مكتبية و إعلانية و من أرض سبخة إلى مزرعة بروتين حيواني صحي و من منزل فقير و مديون إلى أفضل منتج محلي لعشبة الاشواجنده الحلال و القانونية و المربحة طازجة و مجففة و بدون حاجة لأية تصاريح أو تراخيص - نفس المكان و الخامات و الأفراد و لكنها التقنيات الشخصية بالإستراتيجيات الضرورية
• كيف تبدأ أنظمة مقايضة منتجات و خدمات تكاد تغنيك عن البنك و بطريقة شرعية و آمنة
• آلية جذب كبرى الشركات و المستوردين لطلب منتجاتك و خدماتك
• حساسية النجاح و فن إكمال الإتفاق بعد تفاوض شاق و مفاوضات
• الشبكة المعلوماتية, كيف تجعلها مملكتك الخاصة كما توقعت أنا منذ عشر سنوات
• إن صدق حدسي فالتقنيات و المشاريع التالية سيحتاجها مجتمعك خلال الخمسين سنة القادمة إن شاء الله, ما هي؟
• كيف تؤسس إستراتيجيات خاصة بك تستمر معك و تنتقل لمن يرثون تقنياتك الشخصية بإذن الله
نفس الإستراتيجيات التي ساهمت بعد توفيق الله في نجاح النياجرا العالمية و الإكسير من منتجات بنك التقنيات مثل الرشستار و الطوافات و الجنسنج البري و غيرهم - هل تريد مشروعك الآن - نزل الإستراتيجيات الآن في رابط آخر الصفحة
• الإستراتيجيات مقدمة من مخترع مخضرم لإخوانه المخترعين و من صاحب فكرة قديم لصاحب فكرة جديد – ابدأ الآن
إستراتيجيات ضرورية لمستثمر التقنية محمي بقوانين حماية الملكية الفكرية و السبب هو حماية القارئ و المستخدم من أي دواخل على الإستراتيجيات الأصلية
إحرص على شراء إستراتيجيات ضرورية لمستثمر التقنية – تأليف البروفسور رشــوان مباشرة من موقع بنك التقنيات الدولي بالعربية المتخصصة و ليست المترجمة آلياً
إستراتيجيات ضرورية لمستثمر التقنية دائم التنقيح و التطوير بدوام الخبرة و التجربة المستمرة – فاحرص على الحصول على أحدث نسخة أصلية دائماً مع تطور الإصدار و الإستراتيجيات
ما الفارق بين متش - مشاريع التقنيات الشخصية و المشاريع الصغيرة
مشاريع التقنيات الشخصية أكثر ممانعة للفشل مهما كانت الظروف و أسهل في البدء من المشاريع الصغيرة و كذلك الأمل قائم لنموها لمشروع ضخم بل و دولي بدلاً من الإستمرار في لصاقة " مشروع صغير"
المشروع الذي يبدأ بشخص واحد بتقنيات مميزة ثم يكبر لإدارة المئات ممكن أن يعود يعمل بفرد واحد بدلاً من فشل المشروع الصغير خاصة أن لصاقته من البداية تقول أن جعل ليكون صغيراً - لمصلحة من أن يكون صغيراً - المشاريع تبدأ لتكبر و تندمج و تتكاثر و تتعاضض و تصبح ذخراً لأمة حية تقود العالم
إستراتيجيات حيوية لرواد المشاريع التقنية
مع جزء من استقراءاته المستقبلية للمتطلبات الإنسانية التقنية خلال الخمسين عاما القادمة - كنز حقيقي لحماية المجتمعات الإنسانية من الكوارث المتوقعة
فيضانات - سيول - حصار - حرب مياه - تهجير فوري
استعدادات طب الكوارث - المستخلصات التغذوية للمجاعات
من فكرة باهتة و غير واضحة إلى مشاريع واقعية
كل هذه المشاريع يتم يتنفيذها بنفس الإستراتيجيات
الكورس الذي كنت تبحث عنه لتبدأ مشروعك
كيف تتحول من صاحب فكرة إلى صاحب شركة
كيف تبدأ من الصفر و كيف تتحول من طالب عمل إلى صاحب عمل
عبقرية تحويل النباتات البرية المهملة إلى لوائم جروح و مستلزمات طبية
كيفية إعمال العقل و الإيمان في تقديم منتجات من البيئة لإصلاح البيئة
إبتكار الحلول مثل الوقود من زيت الطهي المستعمل و المعد للتدوير و ماء الشرب من أبراج التبخير البحري من حاويات زجاجية و منازل السيراميك المقاوم من طفل التربة المحلية
كيف يمكن إبتكار أفضل الحلول التقنية لتقديم منتج أفضل من المعايير الدولية من الخامات الطبيعية و المحلية
حتمية العمل على تفعيل جمعيات المقاصة المالية للمنتجات و الخدمات خاصة - حسابات المقايضة الشرعية- لضرب الحاجة للسيولة و أن يدور مجهود الفلسطينيين لأنفسهم بدون فرض نسبة عليها من أعداء الأمة في الداخل و الخارج
المسلمون قادرون بعد توفيق الله ثم إعمال الأسباب بالتقنيات الشخصية التي توفرها كورسات رشستار على رصد معايير حياتية عالية تحت الحصار و كسره رغم أنف أعدائهم بإذن الله تعالى
نجاح البروفسور رشــوان
نجاح البروفسور رشـوان يتلخص في مبدأه أن يتعدى نفعه من شخصه إلى غيره بدون حتمية المنفعة المادية مادام هناك منفعة على عامة المسلمين فهو صاحب إقتراح قنوات الحرمين الماكثة في و حول الحرم 24 ساعة لكل المشتاقين لحرم الله حول العالم و مستقبلاً قناة الحرم القدسي بإذن الله
البروفسور رشوان هو صاحب فكرة المصحف ذو الأوراق البلاستيكية كتقنية الأوراق النقدية البلاستكية تغسل و تنظف و لا تزور و لا تتعفن كالورق و لا تبهت أو تحتاج صيانة و لا تحترق بسهولة فالمصحف أقدس من المال و تصنيعه من مشتقات زيت النفط هو أقل إمتنان يمكن إظهاره لله سبحانه و تعالى على نفس النعمة
البروفسور رشــوان هو صاحب سيناريو موقع مكة الإفتراضية حيث يمكن لمئات الملايين من المسلمين الغير متمكنين من زيارة مكة لتدني عدد الحجاج كل سنة حيث لا يتعدى واحد في الألف من المسلمين و بالتالي يحتاج كل مسلم لألف سنة ليأتي دوره و لذلك أكثر من 90% من المسلمين غير متمكنين من زيارة الكعبة لتلك الفريضة المشروطة و لذلك قدم البروفسور رشــــوان سيناريو مكة الإفتراضية حيث يستطيع البقية من زيارة مكة المكرمة بل و العيش و البناء فيها و حضور جامعاتها و الدراسة و إقامة مشاريعهم و التعارف بين كل مسلمي الأرض قاطبة و العديد من الأفكار التي تساعد المسلمين على إقامة ما يطمحون إليه و لو إفتراضيا و هو الذي توقعه الدكتور رشوان بإنه سيكون الإتجاه العام لشعوب الأرض منذ عام 2001
البروفسور رشوان صاحب تقنية ليزر أبراج الحرم و التي إقترحها لمشروع تعظيم الأماكن المقدسة لزيادة إرتفاعها و تصحيح قبلة الملايين ممن سيستطيعون رؤيتها أثناء الليل و خاصة أنه غير مسموح بالطائرات فوق الحرم المكي الشريف
البروفسور رشوان يؤكد دائماً على حتمية تأسيس أنظمة مقايضة شرعية كالغرف التجارية الخاصة في كل أنحاء العالم الإسلامي بدينار إفتراضي بقيمة عالية وعشره يساوي درهم افتراضي ثابتين بين كل المسلمين يساويا دائما قيمة محددة من أهم سلعة تمس حياة المسلمين كالأرز أو القمح أو الذرة و لا يتلاعب بها بسهولة كالذهب و الماس و بالتالي يتم حماية ممتلكات و موجودات المسلمين في حالة إختراق الدول أو التآمر على تدمير عملاتها المحلية الضعيفة أو المدينة بالتبعية و كذلك تستمر عجلة حياة المسلمين في أحلك الظروف
البروفسور رشــــوان نادى دائما بإعادة بناء الأنظمة المعيارية للأمة الإسلامية من حيث فائدة السلعة و ليس الأنظمة العالمية البائدة من حيث الفولت و الأمبير و الكيلو فالمصابيح لابد و أن تقيم حسب قوة إضاءتها بالشمعة قبل إستهلاكها للطاقة لأنه عكس الفائدة و المواد الغذائية حسب صحيتها و كفايتها التغذوية و ليس الكيلو بل و إبتكار الاغذية المتكاملة صحيا و الخالية من السكر و الكوليسترول من الأعشاب البحرية و اغلفة الحبوب المختلفة لتقدم وجبات لذيذة و رخيصة و مفيدة بعيداً عن منافسات السوق السخيفة و التي تعتمد فقط الكسب التجاري
في رأي البروفسور رشـــوان أن أنظمة التعليم متخلفة حتى في اقصى الدول إدعاءً للتطور و تعليم منطقة الشرق الأوسط ما هو إلا ميراث إستعماري لتطفيش شباب الأمة و تصديرهم إلى أسواق النخاسة العالمية و الحل هو التعليم المرحلي و الذي يمكن الخروج بعد إستكمال إي من مراحله لسوق العمل عند الرغبة ثم الرجوع لأي من المراحل التالية في اي مرحلة من العمر مع توجيه أمين من إدارات البلاد للتخصصات المطلوبة خلال السنوات التالية لتحسين حكمة إختيار كل شخص لمرحلته مع تقديم خدمات التعرف على الميول مع تحليل إمكانيات كل شخص قبل المرحلة بالإختبارات و قراءة شكل الجمجمة و الرأس و عرض النتائج عليه ليعرف نفسه حيث يتأخر الأغلبية في معرفة أنفسهم بالأمة الإسلامية حتى الخمسينات من العمر أحياناً بسبب التجهيل المتعمد.
مع نظام فرص مركزي أمين يوزع الفرص على الجميع برسائل نصية فورية مع تصفيتها بمجرد إقتناصها فوراً و تجديد غيرها حسب الطلب و بالملايين يومياً و بمراقبة و أنظمة شفافية و سجلات معلنة عن كل طرف في الفرص و أراء المتعاملين معه و حوافز و عقوبات معلنة أيضاً , نفس الإستراتيجية صالحة لتوافيق الزواج و فرص الإنتقال لمجتمعات جديدة و جيرة عائلات جديدة بل و فعاليات شورى جميع الأمة بنفس النظام التفاعلي
البطالة هي إما بسبب التأثر بالفساد الرأسمالي أو القهر الإشتراكي و لكن ليس لها وجود في العدل الإسلامي الوسطي و لو بسبب الإعاقة مع تفعيل التقنيات , تخيل عشرات من البطالين مجتمعين هذا طبيب و هذا سباك و هذا طباخ و هذا مدرب تقنيات و هذا بلا تقنية و يحتاج تخصص, ألا يحتاج هؤلاء لبعضهم البعض؟ - لا مال؟ ألا يمكن أن يتعاملوا بالمقايضة؟ لا خامات؟ إذا أضف شخص مزارع و عامل مناجم - لا يعرفون كيف يستفيدون من بعضهم بطرقة عادلة للجميع؟ إذاً أضف حكومة بلا فساد.
إذا فلا سبب منطقي للبطالة - إنها حجة و ليست مشكلة.
في نهاية الكورسات و على نفس الموقع ستجد روابط مشاريع ناجحة بحمدالله تم تنفيذها بنفس الإستراتيجيات
و في أكثر من دولة و أكثر من بيئة مختلفة و قوانين أشد إختلافاً و طرق النجاح تتحد بنفس إستراتيجيات البروفسور رشــوان
لك و لكي مجاناً و بدون أي مقابل معلن أو خفي - هدية البروفسور رشـوان للمسلمين
مجاناً و بكل حب و مساندة
مقدمة الكورسات و الفهرس
Essential Strategies
This Book has all the Bells and Whistles you need to be a Technopreneur.
From someone who started his first invention in the age of 13 and supplied Wal-Mart at the age of 29 when he was the youngest supplier.
He finished his Ph.D. is the age of 40! Though his intense research took 7 years.
From how to invent to registering the Corporation, from your laboratory, to presentations, you will learn so much! This includes:
Knowing at the printer shop
Surveillance types and Anti-Surveillance techniques,
Naming your invention,
How-to start-with-ZERO-budget,
How to turn down time into paid SR&ED,
How to give Barter for cash,
How to make the Internet your favorite business community,
How to supply department stores,
How to sell to the government,
The art of closing a deal
And even the Art of Success plus predictions for the next 50 years that could be a trends and vital products.
The Author says he enjoys reading his own book and is eager to hear from you. Now it’s your turn...
Essential Strategies
Seven Major Steps you should Consider
And hundreds of hints and tips
10 Predictions for the next 50 Years
Dr. Hamed A. Mohamed Rushwan, B.Sc-B.A.T.S, Ph.D.
RushStar R.S.Proteks Technology Bank
Ontario, Canada.
©2006 by RushStar R.S.Proteks Technology Bank
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Essential Strategies for Technopreneurs
ISBN-10 0-9737536-0-9
ISBN-13 978-0-9737536-0-8
EAN 9780973753608
The author assumes no legal responsibility for the information provided on this book, and accepts no liability in case of misusing them.
Table of Contents
How to Start - including Zero Budget prototype
Your Options - Including Your corporation, your identity
The Internet, Your Empire
Barter, turning the table on the emperor’s gold
How to turn Challenge into opportunity and down-time into Paid R&D
How to survive surveillance
The art of success, State of the Art!
About the Author
Dr. Hamed A. Mohamed Rushwan, B.Sc-B.A.T.S, Ph.D. is a Published Author and Accomplished Inventor, and Corporate CEO.
His first book was his Ph.D. Theses Case studies with 7 years of continuous Developments and 1M$ of research expenditures, the title was "Research & Development Techniques, A thesis Case Studies" ISBN 0-9737536-1-7. Containing 7 deferent know-how for businesses and how to extract new technology and new products. The price tag was $20,000 per book including the Know-how license, it’s obvious, and the title was for a special discriminative Audience.
Dr. Rushwan’s latest title is reaching for broader audience and with a price tag less than $30 per book, Dr. Rushwan put all the strategies he used in the first title for people who would like to do the same to reach the same or even better
Dr. Rushwan was only 13 when conceiving his first invention, he, entered the market of new products when he became 16, registered his first company when he was 19, and applied for his first patent application when he was 21. His skepticism toward the patent process is well documented within his book, although he has registered around 17 patent applications He insists that registration should be an strategy and ultimately not to pursue the final patent in most cases, why? It is explained in the book.
Dr. Rushwan’s inventions are new products and solutions in different fields. This is why when he finished his industrial diploma at early age he chose to study commerce and joined the faculty of commerce. In his final graduation year he choose Canada at age 27 and through evaluation, he studied applied science, combining Technology, agriculture, health care, and business management in one field of study to persuade his carrier in Applied technical Science after receiving his Bachelor in Applied technical Science-BATS.
Dr. Rushwan succeeded in converting many inventions into real life products. He is the first to:
Invent a process, specialized chemicals, and custom machines to revive used lead batteries for environment protection and practical recycle in 1986. He proved his invention’s contribution from the regular automotive battery to the multi tones submarine battery.
Introduce the First Canadian Engine Treatment package in 1993, with proud trail of thanks, recommendation letters and testimonials for the benefits of his invention. From Wal-Mart to Canadian Tire, from Performance Racing Cars to the Clean-Air Laboratory set by the Canadian Government, throughout the entire world there are appreciative customers and clients.
Invent a process to return Ginseng back to the Wild and produce multi strain Wild Ginseng in less than 7 years. Also succeeded in Amalgamating Wild Ginseng and other lucrative herbs in regular horticulture environment that shares similar soil and climate requirements as a long term add-on extra profit elements.
Invent a magnetic system for Engine Oil Filters to severely reduce the oil consumption in cars and protect the environment from bad emissions. This new technology got extended to the Drinking water protection making use of the amazing magnetic affect in almost every application.
Invent the Set-Free mechanism that can free cars from sticky situation using the car engine itself.
Invent the Hovercraft Famous Teflon Skirt, by eliminating ground friction that put the Hovercraft technology on hold for 50 years.
Finally, invented the Hover tsunami platform to help moving rescued victim buses over land and water.
Dr. Rushwan received his Ph.D. from Buxton University England for his new techniques in the field of Applied Technical Science. He shared the know-how in his first book and now is sharing his actual techniques of inventing new products and getting them on shelf in this book.
Dr. Rushwan reveals his techniques through this book for every inventor who is to manage the technical and commercial responsibilities by himself, as a Technopreneurs
Dr. Rushwan is not only a technical achiever, his commercial achievement are distinguished
He was the youngest Canadian supplier to Wal-Mart in 1995 with his new invented 2-Cycle Engine Treatment, at an age of 29
Dr. Rushwan established his Canadian Corporation in the age of 30, which is now an international technology bank to sell R.S.Proteks Know-How for new investors of actually exporting demanding products and always with extra technology edge.
Dr. Rushwan succeeded in forming his first business group alliance in the age of 31 with more than 15 businesses. Supplying Wal-Mart and many other market clients under his brand with the minimum investment of every party but with the highest return.
Dr. Rushwan Succeeded in building distinguished Internet presence, turning the table on the old business rules and underground organizations while building new strategies that generates international leads, agreements, and sales.
Dr. Rushwan succeeded in building a barter network that substituted cash in many occasions.
Dr. Rushwan was the first to call for establishing International Technology bank to provide technology for every human and prevent the abuse of both power and technology
Dr. Rushwan’s focus for this book is the audience he could not reach before. The do-it-yourself individuals could not afford his previous title because of price limitations, but can read and reap rewards from this book today.
Please allow Dr. Rushwan to be your new business adventure host and send your feedback to:
I’m offering advice in this book on what I hardly found in the past twenty years, Sincere Professional Advice. It is without a hidden agenda and with no aim for my benefits but a focus on your own success.
This book is to tackle the Dilemmas of every inventor, how to get from innovation to mass production. Counting the 10 years I’ve invested to finish this study and 20 years of continuous innovation, I offer a set of personally tested and real world successful strategies that not only can be adopted to get an invention into international product, but also to add a new set of standards to the Research & Development profession.
These Strategies include 10 Predictions for the next 50 years, with every prediction becoming a destiny for an intelligent Technopreneur like you.
I wrote these strategies because I felt it will make the struggle of others easier and our world a better place to enjoy. Please let me know what you think.
Dr. Rushwan
الدورة الأولى - كيف تبدأ برأس مال صفر - تم تكرار ذلك في سبع دول بحمدالله
How to Start
Including Zero Budget prototype
Are you a Technopreneur?
What is the deference between Technopreneurs and Entrepreneurs? Well if we go with dictionary definition:
Entrepreneur (ahn-truh-pruh-nur, ahn-truh-pruh-noor)
"One who starts a business or other venture that promises economic gain, but that also entails risks."
For the word “Technopreneurs” there is no definition in any dictionary yet, including the Merriam-Webster or Encyclopædia Britannica. Probably because it's a new word.
Here is how I see it: Entrepreneur is the person who associates both resources and markets to start a new business. For example a Pizza Business in, both, the right environment and timing entail risks as part of any business. Technopreneurs is one who can do the same, but by introducing a low carb or Gluten & Casein free Pizza recipe or a re-heat it in your car package. Technopreneur is an Entrepreneur with a technology edge!
Research & Development and Innovation
Research and development is a profession, but most of the time. barely part of a profession, Innovation is a spirit, you can't help. It becomes part of your life at work, at home and even in your driving style. Innovation is a way of life, it is an answer to every challenge and hope in every situation.
GOD gave you the gift of innovation to fill the epidemic gap between the Academic institutes in their ivory tower and the greasy industry under knees the machines. I saw only few who really can do this and deal with both mentalities!
How does it start? It starts by carrying the problem you need to solve in your heart. It lives with you, during the research, driving and even when you are asleep. Until one day you find yourself saying, ‘I got it!’
Congratulations, you are an inventor, but in real world this worth nothing. Having an idea is nothing, but offering your new Mercedes/Proton ownership certificate in a flea market. It's hard to convince a buyer there it’s real and if it is real why are you there?
Not even the New Inventions/Ideas scam 800#, mostly it is the best way to extract new ideas from some people naive enough to trust strangers specially who offer something free in the real world!, Sorry, it's sad, but it is the real world. I've to admit I'd never think this way more than 20 years ago when I started my first invention. I shouted very loud and jumped on every newspaper and every possible TV program, meeting with authorities and spend my money on shows. The results were astonishing! The idea got very famous, but out of my hands to dozens of competitors around the world. It was the regular battery-cell charger, an electronic charger that can recharge regular battery cells. I introduced it as economy and environment guard. I think I succeeded very well. Today you can buy it from the Internet, everywhere and even from the flea market, but not from my factory or my website, of course you got the point.
To learn from these mistakes, I spent the next 10 years studying how others worked out this problem. Then another 10 years applying what I’ve been learning, tuning, perfecting my many strategies and turning many inventions into real world products. From this book you are getting twenty years of my life’s experience.
The idea is that is can be a response to a small problem happening to you personally or a big organized solution to a big corporate project. The importance of the Idea/Innovation is represented in the actual need. If people are not aware of the need, you’ll need to add an awareness program to your hard/smart work scenario to create knowledge of the need.
Finding a solution/idea:
Role of thumb: See what others did first or are even planning to do. Thus you'll be almost sure when you finish your R&D and spent time/money somebody else isn't already on the TV selling it. This scenario happened with my Anti-smell Garbage spray. One month after I filed my patent application it hit the TV, of course from other company. It wasn't just the mistake of only not seeing what others are planning, but also never tell your supplier about the final product. Only tell them what they need to know and give them an example of some thing similar, be smart, also it was the mistake of being very sincere on the patent application. Tell what you want to protect only and not how, so your competitors can’t make the whole thing.
"Search every field for a solution."
I prefer the use of categories instead of brands because brands are ever changing and also service type instead of Internet links for the same reason, and I'm sure the reader is able to get results using Internet search engines.
I found a hint for my automotive internal engine treatment in an anti-roach paint. The other hint from a pizza conveyor process and most important hint was from a very experienced mechanic who showed me a self lubricating alloy parts during engine re-building. Get as much theoretical information from University sources, Internet and supplier advice, but never substitute getting down on your knees with hands on experienced to see how the actual thing is really working. In the end I offered the first Canadian formula for Engine treatment that coats the internal moving parts Teflon/PTFE/HR7 or any other needed Dry lubricant as Graphite for example. The result is engine can run with no oil for a considerable period without burning or seizing. Also longer engine life and less fuel consumption, it started with only two foreign suppliers for the engine treatment. My company was the third in the international market and the first in the nation “Canada”, now and after 10 years there are more than 50 competitors, who was talking about patent protection, we'll talk about it in part 4 of this book.
Draw/design and look at it from different views
Associate drawing with your thinking, Hang a picture of your designed prospective product in the front of your in your favorite place. You’ll be surprised when you come at it from different angle, and find a key solution. Looking at angles is what makes you different than others before you. Different angles is what made inventions from unrelated origins, curved boats from a tree and wireless radio from wire transmission!
"Start again with the needs"
The Edge between hot selling items and slow selling items, is people's needs, not only new inventions like laptops and Internet phones are hot items. Seasonal products become hot items before every season. Also plywood before hurricanes and even flags before festivals, I can go on for ever.......It's the people’s needs, and in many cases it goes without a product or an idea that can cover this need. These needs are a main source for innovation, As you can see, innovation is more complicated than politics. In politics you only need to observe few politicians here and there then study their surrounding lobbying groups. Besides a few other small factors to predict the decision, they will offer up to their poor voters which are promises they will break next. On the other hand innovation is watching the whole public needs in certain aspect, politicians never do....This is why I always say, Innovator is an angel of mercy.
Example of how to turn these words into action, is how to turn slow moving, low price and less demanded items into hot, higher price and demanded product. Shoe inserts, don't laugh, are a 99 cents product many thought extinct, No one needs them any more with $100+ shoes including air pads and synthetic rubber, who needs a shoe insert? Well what about fluid filled pads, or weight distribution small pillows or even an elastic rubberized massaging magnet as the one I've invented? Now some shoe inserts are as expansive as the shoe itself, simply responding to the people's need to get a familiarized insert even with different shoes. An insert that can be made economical and as comfortable as expensive shoes or better was a needed, but it was not a trend simply because common solutions were not spreading yet.
When I shared the previous idea of utilizing humble used machines for regular products to produce hot innovative items in response to public needs on my consulting site, many Technopreneurs responded well:
A lollipop using Garcinia cambogia extract for appetite suppressant and a diet using the same strategy for Ginseng, Blackseed and HGH "Human Growth Hormone" Candy/gum and even capsules.
An old bolt casting machine now produces Magnetic Oil Pan Bolts for safer long time vehicle storage.
A landscape Metal marker manufacturer who lost market to the new fluorescent Plastic now uses the same product with double height and triple the price to arrest natural arcs for Ginseng farmers. It improves the nitrogen content of the forest soil.
An overstocked, very cheap under 1mw laser pointer turned into a soft-air pistol laser switch just by adding another cheap, but sturdy pressure switch. The price times 10 yet still cheaper than market price with the option to improve to under 5mw.
A Classic Pottery studio changed the clay and the kiln setting. So now it produces piezoelectric Ceramic for outdoor lighters.
Used muffler fixing equipment and second hand mill is now producing jets for hobby airplanes
A knitting machine from an Auction with weaving option and handmade foam casting box met the standards in manufacturing Life Jackets.
A great Food Garden Natural fertilizer "no animal liters" out of beach picked Kelp, Irish moss, sea lettuce, and other seaweed using the shrubs chopper.
Other operations used a kitchen dehydrator to produce dried kelp food supplement and Irish moss.
Outdated old buzzing pagers were turned into spy/bug detector by only canceling the code selector and overriding the tuner. Now it buzzes in the presence on any strong radio transmission and sells higher than the original pager itself. More than that, an old directional antenna for old radios is now sold separately after changing the socket to plug it to the previous pager to show you the direction of the transmitting spying device.
A $1 wall clock turned to $190 surveillance camera by adding a $29 wireless pinhole camera to it! "Surveillance is an illegal and an unethical crime, except if you put Huge Sign in bugged area telling the condition and reasons",
The last was a Technopreneur received spirulina sample and re-grew it the in his salt water isolated pond and started selling 6 months later
Let me know what new successful products you came out with from outdated systems and I'll be more than happy to share with readers in my book’s next edition.
Other examples, amalgamating the cell phone, wireless phone and the Internet, I'm wondering why not a VHF radio as well?
A tractor that can work as lawn mower in the summer and snow blower in the winter,
Public amphibious vehicles 6x6 and 8x8
Marriage introductory service
Ready microwave meals
Concentrated food supplements
Hydroponics home food systems....
It's all public needs… Gifted people can find new inventions in every need. A non-lethal marking self defense personal product can be a good invention in high risk communities; a non-harmful food preservatives for Disaster Area that is full of spoiled and wasted food, their problem not the food shortage.
Human propelled floatation rescue devises anti-shark long lasting attachments and other powerful than acetic acid and copper sulfates.
When you develop a product, turn it back to the basics, especially the basic needs. When people look for a measuring tape, they do not look for the tape itself, they look for a distance to measure. So instead of working on improving the tape, work on every possible way to measure the distance. Then start from their base on every existed products technology , this way you widen your options and introduce Ultra sonic sensor instead of the tape. Also you'll get a laptop for a book and VHF for a horn and so on. The Difference between improving the tape and improving a way to measure is exactly the difference between my strategies and the regular academic strategies.
"Watch for trends"
Only a few people enjoy quietly watching noisy, loud party. These are gifted people. They watch trends of others, and they enjoy this hobby. Multi billion dollars projects been launched to cash on spreading growing trends. Trends are the people’s different responds to cover certain needs, individually or in groups.
Cellular service covered the spreading trend of mobile communication by using SB Radios, HAM radios, Ham Radio used to cover all of North America with licenses starts with VE3 ###. And we used to be able to call any local phone number in most cities through accessing their HAM club repeater, also connect the computer through satellite reception, and contacting traveling highway car groups with CBs, also used in civil constructions, and many others. Then the trend tested by the wireless phone, Succeeded by the cellular phone.
The same thing happened through the Internet, the trend of having effective media/data transfer and spreading system without waiting for the edited style morning paper/ filtered 11 clock news/ snail postal delivery. Many companies and local groups around the world used software to connect two computer stations though regular telephone lines, also having News BBS servers free or for Subscription fees and so on. Well ... it was a growing trend: connect them together and launch Internet.
The examples of cashing on trends are endless. GPS service to cover tacking/navigation trends and replaced local beacons, Hybrid cars for the increasing fuel price fear trend, EMS machines for the trend of loosing weight without starving and hardship...etc.
I remember when we received immediate orders for my invented 2Cycle Engine treatment that I offered Wal-Mart to cover a market trend. It was surprising to everyone, even a supplier asked, are you people buying the products back from the stores to build new orders? It wasn't like that at all. The 2 Cycle Engine Treatment was a smart answer for spreading trends the Wal-Mart buyer at that time. It was practical enough to go with despite the complications associated with many department stores decisions to carry a product, mostly personal and political.
There is only one trend that is around for the longest of times and needs someone brave enough to tackle: It is People’s self determination. Ask anyone on the street and most will say many times they feel trapped. Having no control on their life...................... Watch them for trends. Analyze what they do. Extract what they need and produce a new product or service so you have ready customers.
"Use Key words"
Key words will always ring a bell for a related solution even from different field. Barter was the answer of key word for no cash and a track was the solution for the key word Hovercraft loss of tracking. This invented the Hybrid Hovercraft with wheels and track!
Write down the Keywords, look at them in different moods and the bell will ring, guaranteed.
"Use formulas and equations"
Sometimes the solution is in the variables and factors. Formula will give clear views on how it is the main player and who is the spoiler also you will get better decision on what to sacrifice. In my Automotive Oil Filter Magnet which is part of the case studies, it wasn't putting a magnet on a filter, anyone can do this with a broken speaker magnet with 5 cents Nylon tie. In automotive you get problem with magnetic strength loss due to engine temperatures increase. You need to decide at what rate the loss is re-gainable and when it will be permanent at that temperature. This is not the worse part yet as some trapped metal abrasives can leave the magnetic field when it gets weaker and get back to the engine ultimately sticking to it after already magnetized, we are talking about disaster. Parts of the solution were rubber insulation then piezo electric re-magnetizing and focus magnetic field design, but you need formulas to do that.
Now you have the innovative spirit and got an idea. All you need the research and development strategy, meaning the Smart/Hard work. Invention without R&D is just a wishing list to ponder. In my many years of R&D analysis, scanning more the 1000 inventions in the Hovercraft field from Canada to Japan, I found many inventions without a mentioned prototype or even a drawing, some of them where the description is not much longer than the summery. Definitely a wishing list, to test myself I checked on the real market to find a trace for any of them, absolutely none.
"Never Tell"
Unless your intention is to give your idea directly to the public domain for charity, never tell the Idea to any one before deciding what to do, I did this mistake after receiving a recognition letter from Canadian Tire, one of automotive chains in Canada. As a Dime of appreciation I told them about my next invention, the Engine flush. I explained how I discovered the key of a successful engine treatment process. No material on earth can coat a dirty engine so we need to clean the engine clean first. I thought it was a good market test because I grabbed the attention of everyone around and the Service manager knew they could use a new product like this. Well, one month later, before I even finished the label design, a competitor introduced the same very idea as an Engine Cleaner on the Canadian Tire shelf. This was stupid and costs thousands and thousands. Never tell or test the market unless you are sure that you can deliver the product faster than any one else. Instead test something similar to check the interest. As a fuel additive that can clean the injectors, or oil to can clean and lubricate. Both examples are reliable alternatives to test but are not the same idea on a silver plate. This will give you feedback, Experience, money and time…. Instead of regrets
Naming the invention:
Even when it comes to naming the invention, be sure you'll name it after the R&D. Just give a clone name until you finish. Or you will be giving the name of a wish and not a product. Hovercraft, for example, which was part of my theses got the name of a wish not the real function of the product. The machine doesn’t really hover. It suspends a few inches or feet above the surface supported by a compressed body of air. It never hovered 500 feet above earth. That was just a wish and the reputation paid heavily for the disappointed customer who admired the product based on its name not the actual experience. This is why Hovercraft is the highest product on earth with a not agreed upon name: skimmer, ACV, SEV, Aerocar, flying saucer. Actually these are not brand-names as Mercedes and Proton. In fact everyone claims that his phrase is the actual name for the Hovercraft, but all are the same idea: a body, skirt and power plant. Also, you will see from the case studies that the Teflon/PTFE Skirt was the first genuine improvement in the Hovercraft industry for 50 solid years.
Give the invention a clone name or a highly theoretical sincere definition. Access patent offices from Canada to Europe over the net and you will find many sincere examples.
Give your invention the final name as one of the final steps just not now. This will give you the following advantages:
You will not get trapped in the wishful name trying to prove it for the rest of your life. Instead focus with the real potential of your invention, and the real strength of your prospective buyer/market, then set a down the road scenario of how to get to your ultimate wish.
This will protect you from spying supplier/agent/source who tries to connect between your product’s name and certain materials.
During sourcing and establishing a supply foundation, you may find that a small part of your invention can serve as a great product in a different. You may actually choose to tackle this route for a while if you’re not in hurry, not choosing a name will make your decision easier and your options broader.
Do a prototype and visibility
"You'll never know until you try"
The most important thing after getting the idea is to try it. Do a prototype by using common materials. Do not try to make a new modified mold for every part so the customer should order the part from you and can not substitute it from regular market. You are inventor; GOD gave you the Idea to make peoples lives easier. Do not trap them as you are not a bank who needs to take advantage on people's need or insurance who take advantage on people’s fears or Media who takes advantage of ignorance. You are an Inventor! An angel of mercy! Use generic parts and if you want to make it hard on your competitors to imitate you then modify mold only a part or two that the customers will never need to order and GOD bless you.
"Retail price should be less than the actual problem causes - comparing to the life time of your invention."
Never make a complete solution innovative large product for a huge price, even if it is perfect. Instead break the solution down to smaller, cheaper pieces. They can do the same job. For example a product that can solve the problem for a year instead of 10 years. It is a solution for a huge amount of money, but if you can give a life warranty for the same price, now you have it perfect. Try to make your price not worth competition; it maintains longer life for you in the market.
"Wholesale prices should maintain bigger margin to the distributor than the problem product."
A Zero Budget Prototype
Use the sampling option to produce your first samples, many firms offer samples to prove quality and get customers
I always get puzzled when I meet inventor telling me that he got a great idea, but four years financing to produce a prototype. Well, if we'll be looking for financing to produce a prototype we should need the country's revenue to start the company. In most cases you really don't, as long as you are looking to produce ONE prototype. Most companies will be happy to supply you one component each and with prepaid courier too, bottles, chemical ingredients, electronic components, herbs, fabrics, yarn, seeds, woods, soils, even paper stocks, you are covered.
In my R&D report to research agency, I had to scan all the Hovercraft related inventions around the world through the patent with total of 1000 inventions as a case study. Most were prototyped from samples or by modifying a $50 remote control boat toy, only a few need Modified components not readily available on the market. Even in this case many companies will be happy to do so for you as a part of their own government refunded R&D program, It is their big chance you or your prospected investor will buy from them.
Never send a COMPLETE blue print or drawing to your sample supplier, even if he is going to modify his product for you. Only send the partition of the mentioned part/ingredient/element, if you found your elf in the corner always give example of a similar product.
I've got DuPont representative for more than one hour on the phone pushing me to know how I amalgamated their Teflon into the Hovercraft air-cushion skirt.
“Before sending you our newest sample I have to know how are you going to apply them, so I can decide if it's the right material for you..”
“It is kind of complicated,” I answered. “Just send me the MSDS and the Spec sheet and I'll let you know if it will fit our criteria.”
“Is there any other materials that could be incompatible should we be aware of?” asks the DuPont’s Representative.
“Do not worry,” I respond, “I use software to verify my work, but if you know of any incompatible materials please send me a list, I'll really appreciate that. “
“Are you sure you are using the right temperature?” his questions are intentionally pushing the limit for information. “You know, Teflon can emit harmful fumes on Extremely High temperature.”
“Although we use catalysts and special control material, we are not far from the Teflon applications guide, if you have any updates to it, please send it as well.” Conversation over and he learned nothing.
Here are other under-skin questions/comments you better be ready for:
Are you buying from other companies/brands?
I can't help you unless I receive a sample of what you have right now
I can visit your lab and give free evaluation for how you can improve your research?
What machines/Instruments are you using in this process?
Send me the whole thing and I'll tell what I can do
What are you going to do exactly with this?
Is this for a new project/ongoing Research or to replace an existed material in your production line?
How long have you been in this business?
What other materials you will be looking for?
dd & Manage Items.
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Your Options - Including Your corporation, Your Identity
Here are few suggested options:
Find a buyer!,.... You need to make a successful prototype, visibility study, Find a Buyer
To design and develop the prototype, find market points of entry for your invention, create a business structure that would foster the development of business opportunities and attract Buyer/Investor.
The Buyer prototype should be hard to imitate and covered. Never leave it in the buyer’s hand until tomorrow, unless you receive signed agreement that the Prototype analysis will meet the agreed upon performance and received a down payment of cash.
The visibility study should be technical and commercial. The technical part should cover the sharp edge between your idea and how this sharp edge will protect the buyer's investment after buying this invention from you If you are willing to continue to develop the invention for him/them then the idea to protect their interest through the upcoming years for percentage/loyalties fees
The Commercial part should start with the public/customer benefits and why you invention should be commercially appealing. Then move to the buyer's benefits margin after deducting the overhead costs. The study should work different scenarios. Optimistically and contingency are expected.
The contingency should cover at least the buyer’s costs. Visibility studies that can cover your buyer’s money and get him out clean. Make the majority of the investment to be in un-specialized machines, this will make it easier to sell them again to recover cost, and the products that can be sold even as over-stock bulk, all the time the investor should still making money.
Minimize the preparation cost; specialized molding and get away from first run labor liabilities by offering Group alliance option and tackle export/shows/department stores/Seen on TV sales option? The contingency study should be introduced only as an emergency plan that can be deployed at any time.
Just on time, not far away, a big BC investment group's Vice president contacted me to set up a huge 1000 acres Wild Ginseng Forest. It was to be the greatest in North America. He offered the land and the development for my Ginseng, experience and management so he asked me to just write down what I needed to start working As soon as possible to catch the season. I considered him professional and enthusiastic enough so I wrote down the expected study with over $1M of development. As a reflection of what I would do if I did it for myself. It was not the optimistic. With most development it should be around $1.5 M and remember the contingency with Development should be less than $100K. Of course I never heard from him again. Ask the buyer what he expects to see in the study, but give him three options even if he does not ask for them.
Work on the studies as a third party with extra knowledge about the product, yet give your advice occasionally and allow your buyer to use his brain and smartness.
The Standard/Expected study
The optimistic Study, is more similar to the Standard just with more sales and extra cash for you of-course for loyalties but also add the Sales cost.
Manufacture it yourself, Technopreneurship:
Congratulations, now you are not only Inventor but a Technopreneur too. Remember, you have chosen to be Technopreneur, to be your Boss. It's A One Man Show." The company is big, clean, with multi computer stations, multi telephone lines with extensions, faxes and departments and IT IS a One Man Show! I can't believe it, You got it right I work 14 hours and manage all departments on a priority schedule, and my right hand knows very well what is my left hand is doing..
Hiring companies to do part of the job is good, but never give the entire plan/formula to one company. Work with more than one company in a group alliance. I successfully managed group alliances for more than 10 years,.. Tackle the options of Seen on TV; give a percentage to the TV company and never pay them in advance, hire the fulfillment firm yourself and pay the Infomercial company on weekly basis based on sales and their success. Do not settle with their offer to charge you only 50% in advance, their margin is over 50%! Be sure your product cost is less than 25% of their retail price or it will not be appealing.
Department Stores
Asking department stores buyers for what product they are looking for, but never has been offered to them through their suppliers. It is an open opportunity for developing a new product with guaranteed buyer. I tried it, the buyer was surprised and in the end I’ve been added to their suppliers list.
Look for importers ads for BUY on the Internet, you find thousands for credible buyers with good history. A product very cheap to the area, and very valuable in their country, like collected free Seaweed in Canada is valuable in Denmark, and Mountains of piezo ingredients in Egypt is just a treasure for industries from east to west. An infinite free supply of Sheih herb every where in the desert of the Arabian peninsula is the only credible repellent against scorpion and the same for many natural herbs there. During the boom of cellular phones with car adapters there was over $50 dollars each with different funny connectors for every brand. It was about getting the most out of the phone buyer for accessories. I found a buyer looking for a quantity of car adapters for certain brand. I accessed the brand information to get the volt, amps, and filtering requirements, then found car volt adapters for only few dollars each. I contacted the buyer offering him the generic no label adapter to try. He got excited to know that I could provide him with a big quantity for a cheap price. I offered to either supply him or for a small consultation fee I showed him from where to get the goods. he knew the small fee of consultation was worth it and paid it so I showed him where to get the treasure. He was more than satisfied. You ask why I did not complete the original deal and make more money? Well, in certain situations a loyal client would mean revenue fortune and a story to tell. Let me know about treasures in your area and I’ll share it with the rest of the Technopreneurs fellows in my next edition.
Never ask the Bank for a loan or you are signing your own slavery warrant
Continue developing it.
Joint venture with other inventors, or your prospective suppliers and continue developing the invention.
Government Grants:
Sounds Easy and promising, but nothing is for free. There are many grants program in Canada for example, federal and local, NRC's Irap, Acoa....Etc., and here is the deal:
If your project is promising increased sales and more hired employees: You are in. “Logically increased sales and more hiring will generate the revenue back for the government from corporate and personal income tax."
You have to prove that you can secure from 50%~60% of the project's capital from: company's cash, personal cash or assets will be lent to the company as a Share Holder Loan. Proven Steady income to your company shown on your Audited/Un-audited previous year financial statement. In many cases it's up to the grant advisor’s personal judgment and they are good in finding a legal backup. You can't ask to be treated equally as others simply because you can't know how others been treated. This is the promise of confidentiality.
You have to prove that your idea is out-of-box, meaning you are the first in this industry to develop this product or at least it is not known in the industry common knowledge. How to make it, meaning; the way to do the target development is not on the net, common Library/University or known to common folks in this field.
You have to prove that you'll be able to financially market the developed product not only achieving it.
The " Deal with the Government Golden Rule"
I know it will sound viscous, but it is true and no one can hide it any more:
"Never ever express any support to any Political Party During meeting with Government Representatives, Official or off-record. Even if they ask you with a laugh or by expressing their own personal support to a certain party off-record. You will not get supported by a program controlled by a certain political party in power if they know that you are supporting the other party. The real dilemma will happen when the agency is controlled by a federal party but provincially you are under another party's controlled jurisdiction"
To be politically correct, avoid politics.
Although, you may or may not get the grant or even financially restricted grant " under $ 15K. The reason, I've been approved/delayed/denied for grants that are exactly treated according to the previous rules with almost same submissions, and you can expect reasons for the delay from not enough time from the advisor "up to 3 years", not enough money for the agency and as for the denial not enough satisfactory submission according to the Advisory feeling!
Never let this discourage you, because the only project they denied was the Break Through Hovercraft Air-Cushion Teflon Skirt. I'm now glad they did and here are the reasons:
The NRC has treaties with other countries to trade scientific researchers, I'm sure many of you won’t like to be part of that.
The Advisor's opinion, by all means, is NO better than yours and shouldn't affect your project course. My first grant advisor was a Ph.D. who refused my project and denied my funding because an Internet column called Snake Oil criticizing the engine treatment trend. It was during the wake of the Internet so the advisor used it as a reference to deny my submissions, Not satisfied with the decision I called the higher level and he shared the reasons with me. I printed other opposite reports from the Internet too and shared the results with them. I got the project funded. Well, now every one knows how Engine Treatment is good for engine and the only losers are those who make money out of your misery.
You final formula/Know how is exposed to other people. I'm aware of confidentiality promise from the Grant agency, but you still carrying the risk of exposing your Know how, simply because to get the funds you are required to submit your Laboratory Data, time sheet and experiments paper work.
Just tap the Grant agency but never consider them a spinal column.
You and your competitors:
Work with your prospect competitors and know the main players, yet never claim something your competitor can do it better. Instead refer customers to them to establish an affiliation. Honest competitors always likes sharing a market with some one who does a better job in a specific field as long he can get through in his. After all, a market with one player is a poor market for both the customers and Inventors.
"Never stick to other's brand"
Without question you have the right to add famous brands to your start up projects name; as long you use their product in your project. It will, for sure, give faster start and immediate credibility. Like the Volvo generators. They are not from Volvo, but they use Volvo engines. The Teflon Hovercraft skirts are not from DuPont but use DuPont’s Teflon. Yet they are from my company. Access the Internet search engines and use any brand as a keyword. You will be overwhelmed with a growing number of good examples. This strategy is spreading, but the short-comes are many:
Your supplier is now known. Any competitor can now ask them for the same ingredients or even the same formula if the can do it, I saw suppliers offer Brand "A" like formula and Brand "B" like formula.
You will also be labeled for any problem known about that brand. This is true even if it doesn't affect the use in your field. For example; when anti Teflon competitor spread the word that Teflon may clog some micro oil filters in engine treatment formulas the market got effected severely,. I expected it during my research and my label with micronized PTFE and also developed another formula with HR7
If your brand supplier got itchy with you for any reason, it is better to have enough supplies until you can easily change the supplier with the lesson learned. Get generic labels too. So use both for example.
It is good to start with a known associated brand, but never stick to it.
Your corporation, your identity
Registering your companies:
Yes, it should not be one company
My rule is: More than 1 supplier and more than 1 company
Choosing the company name:
You were creative in your invention, so be creative in the company name. Remember innovation is a spirit, and NEVER try to get similar to other famous companies, The brand owner, most of the time, is happy to extend his brand to your product name because this will keep you buying the raw-materials from him. DuPont did not dream to put their Teflon on Hovercraft air-cushion or inside Engine Treatment many years ago. Although some of their cranky representatives will try to re-think the legality. Yet being a customer and the only one in this field, in the end the brand supplier will look at your file in his account receivable and smile.
This is not the case in the company’s name, simply because it will only credit your account receivable. There's an exception if you have affiliation agreement, group alliance or joint venture with them, even this option you have to think about again, What if you got bigger? Of course it is nice to show appreciation to the ones who give you a hand in your businesses toddler stage, but will their eventual performance in the market affect your eventual market position? In my humble advice, never carry their name or similar except if they acquire you or you acquire them.
One other thing, although you can get away in NUANS report, if you are running on provincial or territorial level with a name you wanted, stick to corporations. Canada name rules explained on their website: No Insulting language, No Illusion and No Exact existing name, but look at it as a third part; imagine a kiosk in a poor neighborhood with "Valhalla industries Holding Trust group LTD" name on it, very funny, Imagine the same kiosk with " Humble Joe"..... Humble Joe can be famous and big brand with millions $ in revenue. I used to joke about this strategy Start-Up business man who found the only available commercial space in a mall is between two tycoon stores, the first one on his right named the biggest store in town and the other one his left was the largest store in town, his commercial space was so insignificant that it was only the width of it's entrance gate, so he named his business the "Main Gate".
Also giving the impression that you’re very, very big, will deter many prospected affiliates and alliance partners away. Many businesses prefer to group with others in their size or little bigger, but not a tycoon. Instead giving the tycoon impression that can prove false easily by comparing your employees numbers to your annual sales in any fake free subscription filling form, you better give the impression of professionalism in quality, customer service and after sale. I won many deals by referrals from customers who received unexpected extras of products and service. By standing many hours beside department store shelves checking why customers prefer other brands than mine; personal experience, price, referral, packaging, free attachment, Sale, Advertising mode and sometimes the name or photo or even the color of the product. Substitute Size with professionalism in your strongest talent and strength then spread the word as your motto. It works, many times I preferred to hire small hidden very professional sub-contractor over big advertised companies. I remember my show winning Engine Flush was made through a Group Alliance with three of the smallest, but very professional business in Toronto, Scarborough and Mississauga. It contained Offset printing on hard PVC films with special formulated ink got it myself, Gold Stamping, then Embossing making the product photo 3D. You can feel the clean engines pistons on the package. It also contained offset printing with partial white of 6 colors on silver and holographic media. It contained a free Internet 1 month service voucher and free cellular phone with accessories voucher, child safety cap and anti tempering sealant/ The liquid formula was clear and comes out of the engine after 5 minutes dirty black to prove functionality. The package carried the logo of environmental Canada after permission for using recycled plastic and paper. The package carried UPC code on both the printed clear box and bottle to prevent store theft or shelf stacking malfunction. Of course our famous "Try Before you Buy" Fuel System Treatment Small Sample above all of this a Money back guarantee for the full price which was 3/4 of the competitor price. We all made money, we offered free demonstration and the motto of "if clean oil did not come out dirty , get your money back" and " do not but a clean oil in a dirty engine", that was in 1997, and until now, I’m still teasing many printer houses and ask them if they can print on PVC, the answer is don't touch it.... Professionalism is the success key not the size.
Many start-your-new-business's courses and administrators always advice to choose the business name reflects your product or service. Super fast Johnny for courier, Sky is the limit for Hi-rise contractors and maybe Titanic for Under Ocean Explorers!, Unless you are pretty sure that your invention's field will be the only thing you'll do in the next 5 years " God Willing!", Do Not choose a name reflects the field, choose a general name instead. In Canada for Example you are free to change your profession any time. For example I've chosen RushStar for the first part of my last name Rushwan and added corporation to incorporate it Establish a safe trading environment, then added automotive. It worked fine, RushStar Automotive, with health care firms looking for new ideas approached me. I added RushStar Healthcare, the same for Air-Cushion. Finally when I decided that I had something to bring to the table and offer consulting, I added RushStar Consulting. It is safe and will save, establish departments and add them to your main Name/Brand.
Choose a name that can be registered as a first domain name with no hassles. First/Major/Main Domain is a name that can end directly with .com/net/org/ca or other Internet abbreviations. If you decided to join the struggle to run your business away from the big brother the .cc is the abbreviation to go with.
First domain for example: http://www.yourdomain.com is a first domain, http://subdomain.yourdomain.com a Sub-domain and http://www.yourdomain.com/yourpage.htm is extension Domain. Registering your First domain is as important as registering your corporate name.
Why incorporate?
Except if you’re planning to run few thousands dollars a year business in a very friendly environment without slightest probability of an accident. Or anything that may bring legal action against your Sole-proprietorship company that may trace your personal assets even your good ol' jigs collection, you will need to incorporate.
Incorporation will protect your personal assets beyond your corporate share. This also will allow you to claim your corporate share holder loan losses to the company in case you decide to dissolve your corporation. You can claim this loss as your personal non-capital loss. Not only that .... unpaid salary can be claimed as dead debt if you proved on your T4 for salary for that year. Putting in mind that your Non-Capital loss is covering your tax portion, plus many advantages you can consult the www.ccra.gov.ca including a better tax break.
How and where to incorporate?
You have the option either to incorporate on Provincial/territorial level or Frederic level. In both cases you can finish the job by yourself through do-it-your self kit or on-line. On-line is more economical of course
and the advantage in Provincial/territorial level is easier name-search, but your name won’t be nationwide protected. Being local and territorial gives you the neighborhood advantages from both suppliers and customers. Different jurisdiction rules will allow you to reside your business in the appropriate environment. Also it will give the benefits of fair competition rules if this jurisdiction enforces any of these rules. It will allow you to register your main domain as a local business of this area/province/territory this will give advantage over others from outside the area in certain Internet search engines.
The advantages of Federal Incorporation are absolute name protection Nation-wide and of course pickier NUANS search, it will allow you to work and extend anywhere nationwide. It will allow you to get .CA Internet extension/Abbreviation it means you are Canada nationwide business and of course it sends a message to the search engine telling them to give you better ranking once the key word includes Canada for example.
NUANS search is good only for 90 days, you can do the pre-search for free on many websites over the net. The search starts from $ 20 and up to $64 for the same service from deferent NUANS agents. All are accepted by corporations Canada.
It is recommended to send a fax to corporation Canada for name decision on your suggested corporate name. If there are no other concerns, they'll ask you for NUANS search not the pre-search, order it then fax it to them, you got your name reserved and guaranteed.
Use the corporate name for Brand.
With the exception of these cases:
You have enough revenue to spare for spending on Trademarks and advertising for many names to stick into your customer/client minds.
You are a Number corporation.
You are planning to do a private label and do not want your name to compete with your customers/clients brand.
Other than that, stick your corporate name to your product. RushStar's Engine treatment, RushStar’s NiagarA, RushStar's Fuel System Treatment, when my competitors tried to imitate my invented "complete engine treatment package" after realizing that customers got smart by my awareness videos in every department store and through the TV and the Internet. Now they know that engine treatment needs flush for dirty engines and needs fuel system treatment can clean the system not the fuel, because the engine is not only the compression system, but the fuel system too/ I used to offer the whole package in reduced price, but this is was not the policy of others. They decided to cash on the idea by turning just the name of some of their cheap fuel treatments into fuel system treatment and another to fuel system cleaner. Adding the margin from the huge price difference to the advertising budget, sponsorships, and Department stores extra commission and Sales discount. Fine but it wasn't RushStar’s product. Many customers searched the shelves for the RushStar Fuel System Treatment. It was the Aluminum Bottle with easy to use tinny nose, golden label and free offers. Many of the customers cared enough to send emails to our website and request the product. It was because the one on the shelf wasn't the RushStar who initiated the awareness and offer the solution. Attaching your corporate name to any of your product should be a policy.
Meetings over the phone, audio/video Internet and physical meetings
First impression is essential. Start warm, but do not over do it or your counterpart will expect the same performance for the rest of the meeting. Remember your counterpart's name and repeat it, ask them for the right pronunciation if you’re not sure. It's much better than repeating the wrong pronunciation, let's say you missed the best impression for some reason. Say I'm sorry, let's start over, the other party will understand, and will be anxious to see you in different impression, try it and you will see how the results are amazing.
Prepare for the meeting as it was a physical meeting. Documents and photos can follow by fax or email, but do you homework for every meeting and be ready for few scenarios
Be focused on your objectives and try to steer the discussion to reach your objectives
Avoid the negative answers. I do not remember, I'm not sure, and replace them with I'll get back to you on this in particular and I'll check it out for you and get back ASAP. Be efficient .
Adopt an effective diet before meetings. Never go hungry for a long or make decisions in a meeting. Take in a protein dosage at least one hour before the meeting. This will keep you in good performance for adequate time. Shrimp, fish fillet, mushrooms, fat-free breast meat are good candidates. Remember the meals should be light by high in protein and nutrition. Instead of higher dose of caffeine in a drink such as coffee/tea/cola/chocolate/guarana. Take Brain food supplement as ginkgo biloba as tea with or without honey or as a capsule., Also Gotu Kola for good memory, less caffeine will lead to a healthy discussion and negotiation. Before taking decision or the final round take herbal tea with honey or real sugar, you will need some extra energy, but always keep it to the final, you may also like to consider Sarsaparilla for long setting meeting, Ashwagandha and ginseng for physical strength and Hawthorn berry with Terminalia Belerica for strong heart and nerve, Always take the herbs few hours before the meeting if they are not part of your daily diet, effective diet can add big deference to important meetings.
Speak to your counterpart in the eye and read their body language. Follow their eyes. This will save you many unnecessary explanations. If you are not sure about your assumptions and your counterpart is not comfortable to speak about:
Their purchase budget,
Is there other tenders,
If they are the decision maker,
What factor will support their decision
Or is this really a sincere meeting to make business with you or just to collect another un-acceptable offer to support a previous decision to deal with different supplier? in this case ask related questions using the logical AND/AND OR/NOR gates.
Here is a golden rule for all meetings: avoid that last comment off-your-chest before the end of the meeting. Just end the meeting by congratulating the other party for the great performance during the meeting.
"Others never know what you know until you tell"
Now it's time to tell. Creating logic awareness means creating a loyal market. Always stick your Corporate name to every awareness media. This way you'll offer your customer a 24 hours, 7 days a week information center with FAQ and online support.
Tell the customer, why they should choose you.
Stick your website name or Dynamic Subdomains to every thing. Business cards, corporate letterhead, products, gifts, advertising and even your email.
Beside the classic methods for promoting a business by hiring and paying an advertising/marketing/Sales firm to bring you customers or even establishing your own departments, this depends on your strategy and business plan
Beside all these ideas and if you are on Budget as many start up business wondering if the MAS market/alliance/supply will force you to switch to contingency plan or even responsive alert. There are many free viable, procedures can help awareness:
Free product demonstrations for your prospective customers from general public to department stores. During my Business course in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada many years ago, our project for every student is to try to reach a potential customer. to This was a must to complete the course beside the usual exam. Many managed, in just few days, by calling and get promising answers and wrote the details on the project paper. I had hard time conducting a warm phone conversation that may lead to a promise or an appointment for my product " Ultra Power." This the clone name of my Engine treatment, I shared this concern with the institute manager. .He said boldly sure, they will never listen to you. A few days later in the session, the course Marketing instructor, a bright and gifted person, said you are the Oil People, be proud of it. Put your Muslim cap on, ask for immediate appointment. Go there, speak loud and show them you are there to help and they've got a problem. I did not re-think it, Muslim cap, immediate appointment, speak loud and show how I can help, I showed up there on time and brought my mobile lab., went into the store bought the other two competitors products, paid for them and asked them to meet the manager because he is expecting me. He came, I told him "I can do better than these products for less and I can prove for you that one of them won’t do much better than regular engine oil." Stanched by the attitude he asked what do you have for prove? I answered I've a machine for any one can read, conducted the experiment in minutes proving my product is better. I got A in the project, got my first customer, and never stopped presentations.
Volunteer to give free lectures in colleges and schools about your hands-on field with some hints about your product,. Many will appreciate the time and the instructor will be grateful that you brought piece of the real world to his students. \Many years ago I offered free lecture to Automotive school in Toronto. I used a projector for the theory and brought my mobile lab with me and offered Successful practical test to all the students. All the sudden a student asked the instructor to bring his car into the workshop and try the product on it. I agreed and the compression after test was amazing Years later the student became one of my distributors!
Contribute free articles to specialized Magazines and periodicals. After typing the report, read it again with the eye of the expected audience. Mark the points that can create misunderstanding and rephrase them. For example, according to may tax books, my Ph.D. research and development case studies, and cost over $1M over 10 years. If I used this bare sentence in my technology article, some audiences will speculate that I'm working now to cash back and they will be charged a part of the $1M in every service. The price harms the image instead of supporting the credit Now, let's rephrase it by adding the fact that many studies were for offering better products with less cost. Now this is a step in the right direction, for more educated audience or those with extra time to investigate. You can add authenticated comparisons or testimonials. Always read again what you typed, and check if there is space for improvement.
You and Your Printing House.
Only use the printing house to print what you can't design/print on your jet/laser/thermos printer/label maker. Look at the empty space on the big design and fill them as long it will not interfere with their cutting/shearing plan. Sometimes the wasted space in films, printing plates or even on the whole printing sheets if they us direct print out from the computer software to the machine, Usually it's more than 30%. They don't really care, and throw this valuable stock in the garbage harming the environment and loading the recycle system until your city council begs on their knees to foreign countries to accept their garbage. Now it is time to work smart. It is still your money, your custom stock you've chosen to satisfy your customer and expensive polish you ordered including the 30% wasted part. Ask to see the whole art work, compare the price of the whole print size to other printer houses and not the small label per thousand. Do a little homework and you will find spaces to use for very fancy business cards with photos. If they are not for you, make them for the products or your company locations and map, print website awareness, envelope generic labels, vouchers, or even small labels/hand outs for your favorite charities and claim them under the income tax, Absolutely legal, environmentally friendly and beneficial for everyone. This is what I call a "hidden profit". It's a term I used to establish a strategy to survive the Nineties Canadian recession. It works fine all the time even with many years after the new millennium.
Another hint: if the printing job is huge for a huge order and you are on budget for the moment and find some reluctance from the printer-shop manager to go on the 30 days credit, show him your order paper. It encourages them to do the job on credit, if the job is bigger than their running budget, break it down your self, how? Well....
Open an account with the paper stock companies and chose your best media for price.
Open an account with the film or plate/zinc producer and set the resolution quality yourself for the best of your interest.
Open an account with the proper ink company and do the same, be sure the ink is compatible with both the stock and the printer machine and also the machine worker. Litho/offset/screen/stamping/jet is familiar with the ink drying treatment or you may educate him, he will appreciate the knowledge you got from the ink company
Open an account with the lamination house if the printer shop doesn’t laminate in-house
This way you'll have better control on the quality and will not suffer from that greedy person who compromised your job for his margin. Also a few smaller accounts are much better than one huge credit account that makes the printer-shop owner awake all night!
Closing a Deal and Completing a Sale
Give enough reasons for your customers to buy. Seize every opportunity to make it easy for them to order: 800 numbers for orders and put it on every communication means including pamphlets, letterheads and even business cards. Also make a separate option for direct order on your telephone line quick introduction message. Install a fax on demand program on your computer or subscribe into such service to send your customers automatic quick orders forms and even products info. Use the hold message to promote your new products and today's Sale.
On your quotation always promise your customer a great business experience to come with appreciation notes of your existed customers. This kind of quick testimonial quotes should be from customers
On the Net place a direct Order Link right on the front page besides the testimonials and the privacy statement links. Or put them all under the customer service drop menu, install a shopping cart in your site that leads to a secure site in the end and tell your customers. Secure Order environment is a must on the Internet. Tell your customers about your privacy policy and you'll never share their information with any one without their consent. Also start your customers email lists with phony "0111!" first of the list without email address to stop worms from using your customers list into malicious activity, simply your email client program will tell you that you first email in the list isn't working, at that time you'll know that their is an un-authorized activity in your computer and take action, of-course despite the fact of having firewall and anti virus/adware/spy/worm/rat programs, attack could happen during the day and between these programs running intervals and update. So you better having a second line of defense and a way to secure the customer's information in your trust.
Buying customers would like to see these in your products and services:
Money Worthy; Competitive price for it's actual size/weight,
Free bonus,
Added value attachments,
Attached real free offers,
More concentrated/effective/potent than similar,
Free delivery
If the invention is new, the price should be less than the troubles it saves,
Signs of quality; Good sealed packaging with directions, Address and UPC,
Proven Performance; Authentic testimonials, credits, recognition, Awards
A phone number to call just in case
Secure way of transaction
Satisfaction guarantees
Use all your senses specially the sixth one looking for Buying Signs and questions:
How long will it take for delivery?
Is the Tax Included?
Will it fit in my car's trunk?
Do you have different colors?
Is there a warranty?
How you will install this?
Never talk bad about your competitors by brand. It may be OK by category especially if you have a Scientific prove.
Offer encouraging/not threatening time frame for your customer to make his/her mind. Sale week/ end of season discount/ free delivery week.
Offer a validation period to your quote
Offer your customer a chance to get rid of the old trouble making similar product by buying it in trade in for part of your brand new product's price.
Make one of your products line a deal, sell it on your break-even line. Do not make money but make customers. For sure they will look at the rest of your lines. Also this strategy will keep you keep going at least on break-even not broke
Completing a sale means after you close the deal by getting the buyer acceptance to buy your product "closing the deal". You get paid with a set delivery with no disturbance as changing minds/hearts, discovering a factor not agreed upon or think about during the deal closing.
Information break-in from your competitors, or export insurance.
Reducing the time period between closing the deal and completing the sale is one of your business success factors.
Many companies sell on credit, but besides checking for current suppliers of your prospective customer and his bank reference. It is always safe to start your first deal on cash except if your customer is reputedly trusted. This has nothing to do with the customer being a big, big customer can pay and can spend this money on his court-ready legal team. I was surprised of how many suppliers are suing Canadian Tire in courts and publicly on the Internet. Check throughout the search engines for yourself.
Also you can encourage your prospective customer by giving them 2.5% discount if they paid in less than 30 days, also 5% discount or 5% extra products for sampling or 10% prepaid advertising in the media of their choice for Immediate payment
Many consider follow up one week after delivering the shipment for customer satisfactory assurance is part of completing the sale not an after sale customer service, I do too.
Export Insurance and customer credit agency Scam.
Make weekly/monthly plan and keep analysis
Always adopt the morrow that you'll be big some day. But do not behave like one, this has many advantages of self confidence, not getting swallowed by small problems and temporary troubles, yet getting unlimited support for your unlimited optimism.
Your Laboratory
Have you ever seen a horseman without a horse? The same is true for the Innovator. The laboratory for the innovator is like a horse for the horseman, you'll need the laboratory for the following:
Your research and development
Your Production Quality control to prove that your mass production meets your invention's promised superiority and also surpasses any other regular standards.
Marketing presentations
Part of the machines you use in your R&D and your QC will be needed to show the customers proven track records of your superiority. It can start from Class A to C motorhome turned into mobile lab or even a trailer or the back of your car trunk will do. Be sure you also have try before you buy samples and products for quick immediate can't-wait customer order. Some independent labs copies if any will help "will discuss it in the next paragraph", try to use common public language and also down to earth measurements units. The public needs logic proven to the worth of their money not a Ph.D. case study. Please, do not use ft-lb/sec on average of 3000 rpm, use lb for short and on the footnote of your catalog explain the details and in most cases customers never care as long they found familiar units to refer to. Anther thing is do not use a common measuring that will put you in low level if compared to other similar products. Here is an interesting example:
Although the Gas Boat outboard troller motor is measured by the horsepower as unit of work and they are around from 1~5 hp, the Manufacturers of the Boat electric troller motors chose to measure the product that does the same job, but just powered by battery instead of gas they chose the lb for thrust unit instead of Horsepower. Why?
It is very easy to determine the Horsepower of any electric motor just by multiplying the consumed current in amperes times the applied potential voltage. That will give, directly, the power in watts and because 1 horsepower equals 0.7455 KW, you can get the Electric troller hp in a snap. However when you find out that this will equal less than 1 hp as we hp= 550 ft-lb/sec, this will unfairly show the new product as a dull, especially the propeller pitch is designed for low speed high acceleration. As the final speed is a factor in pitch and motor rpm, thus the smart choice was to use related measuring unit that will escape the comparison with gas motors and introduce the Electric boat troller as its own Apple. Read it again.
Still in measurement units, you agreed to explain the power of your product in a simple measurement unit, but that measurement unit still un-measurable to your customers. They do not use more often, and some never used it in their own entire life. Another example is Gauss for magnetic therapy pads. Solution; compare it to the Magnetic power of earth, so the customer will make relevant comparison how your therapy product is powerful. An earth's Gauss strength is approximately one half of one Gauss unit so when I offered 1,750 gauss flexible Multi-pole magnetic insoles, and 7,500 gauss Water Pipes magnet, customers knew how relevant the term is.
Your goal in the presentation is telling people why your product is worth their money and their spent money is turned into investment. For the dealer/big buyer why your product worthies the space on their floor and why this product will bring the customer to their chain and your plans to tell the public about it in and outside their chain, also how this product will be a dedicated packing/size/promotion/support to their chain.
Independent Laboratories:
You can use them at any time. The test machines are very expensive to buy or rent and if you are not sure yet which instrument is the best for your application
Also they are trusted third party witnesses who can give a balanced decision about the superiority of your product. Only you need to specify which part you need to claim superiority in and the fair logic scenario to prove that. Although I had many machines to prove my claims, I've used independent laboratories to analyze the automotive oil for two identical cars with almost the same KM " from car rental agent, and they were happy their cars got early free oil change". We changed oil, applied the magnetic strap out side the oil filter of one of them, enjoyed nice trip with the cars for 2000km, change oil again, and analyzed the oil. The results were amazing! paid the lab fees, and put the results on flyers and enjoy more sales. The same with the government Claire Air tests, the same car with and without Engine treatment. Amazing results in emission because of the better seal and higher compression, another with the engine flush; longer oil change interval before the new oil breaks down. Using the Golden-seal as a natural preservative for Ginseng extracts was just the logical choice. Golden seal preserves the life ginseng from early season infection before in gets up, before it and it is natural anti biotic as a food supplement. Getting the independent laboratory bacteria analysis was the just the proof for this natural choice.
It is smart to find the closest standard you can compare to. If there is none, turn the challenge to your side, be proud to be the first to set new standards in this field. This happened when I tried to find standards for Hovercraft Air-cushion deterioration rate There is none, and none of the related manufacturers got any even local company standards. Well, I was the first to set standards for the " Hovercraft Air-cushion deterioration rate".
Ingredients and Sole Proprietary Information
Because the consumer has the right to know what they are consuming internally and externally for many reasons including religious, discipline and allergy, you are required by law to print the ingredients if your product will be consumed. It Is for both the consumer and the manufacturers’ protection, simply because the lowest amount of backfire from the side effects of your product is what make your product popular and brings a standard to the field.
Now, here is the question: How can you protect your Precious hard working R&D formula from being stolen though listing it on your label? Well, first of all the formula is not only the ingredients, but also how to put them together, adding and mixing order, temperature, saturation , pressure or vacuum, pH during every stage and mixing speed. Plus many other secretive conditions as catalysts and mediums that will help reaching the final composition, but will not be part of it in the end. So simply you are not required to list everything, except voluntarily. For marketing it will show your superiority edge especially if the final composition is different than the original ingredients. For example if your extracting has been done using chemicals-free freeze-dry process or natural extracting process chemical-free!
Although smart manufacturers list ingredients in alphabetic order with no percentage, others start with purified Water to calm the customers. However, the ingredients list still a start for curiosity feed. Well, all the ingredients you see on labels are commonly known materials in field: vitamin C for preservative, Zinc Oxide as filler, Garlic for antibiotic... etc. When you use a non-common ingredient after long staggered R&D, I'm sure you will not be really interested to list it with the garlic and vitamin C. Simply, it will stand-out and be picked for imitation. Except this ingredient is very hard to process as it needs certain pH with certain catalyst in certain media and final composition is some how physically (not chemically) different than the original ingredient, Do not list it by name, but break-it down to it's own ingredients and list those basic ingredients for example, You are using clear extract of black-tea and black-berry for sensitive gum toothpaste and you know it is not a big deal for the big fish to get the point and modify a better patent than you with a different approach than your patent will not object theirs and they will pay the additional fees to get their patent faster than yours. No problem if you got fuzzy to keep you busy in court for a while until they enjoy the market a little. Then do not expect yourself in a group saying it was my idea and nobody's laughing!, Enough of that! Here is your list:
Natural Vitamin A, Herbal Vitamin C, Vege. Calcium, Vitamin B-2 or "Riboflavin", Niacin and vitamin B1 or "Thiamin", there are many other herbs that share the same compositions. Let's see who is laughing now.
However, if you regret not using some thing catchy as the Black Tea or the Black berry on your Marketing theme, well, you can still using something catchy, but not your main players. Use Cloves and add it your formulas, Cloves are well known in this field and will bring you customers with confidence, but when they enjoy your magical formula and feel better, you'll feel better too for not advertising the main player.
Department Stores
Beside all the fuss of how the department stores decide carrying a certain brand here is their secret formula:
How much shelf space x how long selling period per unit = the cost of selling your product.
The department store commodity is the shelf space, advertising, rent, overhead, every thing will be calculated of how much space they offer. Every space has a different value exactly like real-estate. Offering the space is their job, accelerating the selling intervals is your job. Working together will make the final cost less, and as long it is respectfully lower than the margin they get from your product based on your agreement, they will decide to categorize you as a favorite supplier even considered for eventual partnership. If not you’ll be facing the black list!
Missing the deadline, too many returns, bad UPC code, unresolved customer concerns, changing the buyer to a cranky one can also put you on the black list
One of the best strategies is to make the department stores your outlets. Make the presentations within the stores or in other places and send the customers there. Like TV commercials and mention the store, discounted coupons to the store, Internet site with link to the stores, this way you are their favorite despite their fussy personalities and political decision factors.
Be sure you are calculating the previous promotions cost to be included in you wholesale including how much discounted coupons through he store catalogs and through you, also mention this in your promotion plan for them.
Sponsorship is always a publicity tool, be sure it is some how related to your field. My condition for every team I sponsored is to Use My Invention in their machines. If you will Advertise it out, this will live with you as a recommendation not as an event happened 5 years ago, will be funny to over milk it even if it did not pay back your investment on the long run. This is why many teams are selling because the lake of sponsors, simply because sponsors invest in publicity that may not pay back on the long run. Sponsor in related field that can use your invention.
When pressure came on the Canadian Wal-Mart to sell Canadian Products and not to be just an outlet for US products in Canada, I was happy they opened the door to my whole products line not only the 2Cycle Engine Treatment that they never had a supplier to it at that time "simply it was quick invention of mine at that time" So I shipped as much as I can buy running the whole group alliance day and night to meet the deadline covering all their 165 stores nationwide, the strategy of group alliance succeeded as many times before. We all made money but here are few lessons:
When you are talking about your superior product, you are selling it in a discount store,
When you sign the department store agreement, you agree not to sell for lower price to any competitors. That's why you find the same product comes in different packages and attachments and even different sizes to go around this clause. The department store is mostly just an outlet, the customer decision to buy the product is your job
Supply the Government
Normal people make their purchase based on justified needs. Not governments. At least the Non general public based Nominated Governments, call them democratic, communist, dictatorships... whatever, when you elect them you are trapped, you got no choice but to vote for pre-filtrated candidates who served under-ground societies for years and years. Bottom line, the government always takes spending decisions based on Direct threat for their next election, not justified needs. That's why government will council, house and protect young offender but not an autistic child. A simply young offender poses more threat than Autistic child even if the autistic child deserves better care. Also that's why governments spends billions against so called terrorism, but not even a fraction to prevent violence and rape in home, streets, or even jails despite the fact the prisons contain more violators than so called terrorists, Can you believe a Canadian Man got jailed for video taping the CN tower for his children?
Government works on direct threat to their next election, before communicating with a certain government agency, access their website and check what drives them at that time. This will be your entrance key. I know there are many agents on the Internet offering government tender arrangement, but we are talking about your new product. You need to fight hard to prove the product can replace the product they used to buy for 50 years. Follow my advice and call them for a free presentation and win a recommendation from them. They discovered you! And you've got the key.
University Scholarship
Another viable route to improve your search is a Scholarship. Where the university will solicit the finances on your behalf and offer you a degree in the end. If your field is unique and you convinced a professor inside the university to sign on your offer, again, you are in. Your key is to start with an understanding, supporting, not to busy professor and share your goals with him. Asking for his advice, so if your research is unique and interests him, signing your offer is a guaranteed.
"Never take it personal"
Always take the feed back positively, use praising feedback for testimonials and challenging feedback as improvement/development points. Acme feedback would not represent the real value of your invention. Instead it rather represents the client's way of understanding you or using your invention, so never take it personal.
Patents, industrial designs, software, printed circuits, intellectual and legal rights
According to Geneva convention, you are protected from anyone to see the details of your invention until you are patented. Then you are a free plate, also you are backed only for the first year from any one around the world to claim your claim. Well besides the convention is very old, the whole process is not fair. I saw elder inventors spent their whole fortune patenting their inventions than the invention became obsolete. Others are the victim of patent surveillance and do not have the means or the money to sue the violators or almost all the money would go to their legal attorney in their vulnerable circumstance as their savers!
The whole system will be discussed in details in my next book “Cashing on Technology”, what I really need to do here is how to get you to use the system and not let the system use you.
Applying for a patent is a good reputation as a patent pending holder. Never put vital information in your patent application that can be used for copying. Just what you need to protect but not how you made it. The patent pending will allow you the lowest cost to scare imitators until you launch your product in the market.
Pursuing the patent is a strategic decision and it’s up to you, but protecting your invention is your responsibility. Remember your patent will be free for public domain unless you convince the patent office that you did not make enough money off your invention and you need extra 5 years. But you hold your secret and can modify it any time to head off any imitator,
Unless you invention is a very genuine idea that will not be urged or objected, do not pursue for patent just cash on the new idea. Move to a new patent pending registration for the new improvement and leave a trail of your achievements, not your secrets.
For professional investors, they know very well that patent system is for the genuinely of the idea and mostly in a small part of a product of a field. Definitely not used for industrial validation or any guarantee that it’s going to work. So it won’t prove any viability than you are an urged owner of the idea but if it works or not, will it sell, commercial visibility…None. So it is your best choice to take advantage of the patent pending period of few years. Do the rest of the zero budget work and business plan then sell as an invention or as a product. Move to the next level in the same adventure or a new one, never be trapped in your invention and be part of no where formality loops. Never give the time to others to cash on your idea while you’re struggling to get meaningless paper.
& Manage Items.
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The Internet, Your Empire
I'm proud to be one of the Internet society. There is something with the Internet I've not experienced with other environments. It is ever developing and by the minute and out of control. It is the only place you can get out any time and find another firm with shared interest, connecting to people on the other side of the globe with the online translator and still sell them your product. It is especially important to note there it is without the limitations of the local papers or media who charge you a full rate or pay charges at some arm's length business a ridiculous discounted rate or an endless wait for that annual show catalog or that greedy exporter alliances who will not add you to their list, except you adopted the same underground society ideology like them., It eliminated many mediums, broke many SWW rules and brought many people from the black list to the front line again.
Here is my Internet Golden rule:
Do Not Mistake Internet Activity for Achievements
You can set in the net exchanging hundreds of megabytes per day, but by the end of the day it will matter only by looking at your Revenue, customers data list, or at least a testimonial from appreciative customers Set a goal for every activity and try to achieve it in the shortest period with smarter efforts and long lasting results so you can go on the next achievement.
Your Internet Presence
As if you move into new city, I guess it all depends on what you are doing or going to offer, and here is some of the Internet interesting demography:
Websites; Main domains, malls, auctions, stores,
Search Engines,
Link pages
News groups; General news groups, your own
Forums and ; general, groups, your own
RSS and atom XML news feeds
You need to plan your Internet Empire before things get out of hand. It may get out of control for example as follows:
Outdated mirror/introductory pages with missing passwords and non active emails.
Obsolete contents on linking pages and news groups with no way to fix them.
Scams taking advantage on your raising wave because you have no Central Authority site.
Greedy webmasters turns your free dynamic forwarding and Subdomains for their own sites.
Unanswered concerns about your products on the net, forum, newsgroups
Do not panic, the Internet is more powerful than many think, but there is a way to build your empire with minimum fireback:
Register your Domain! Then you can use any free URL forwarding service to your free space Subdomains, many free URL forwarding services can forward more than one domain to the same space if you want. Also many free space providers offers their server settings for you to fill it in your domain registration.
Why Referrals and Subdomains?
They give solutions to the long Internet addresses to be remembered, unless you can afford a Subdomain for every webpage in your website, many of your webpages will probably look like this:http://www.yourdomain.com/your-folder/your-subfolder/You.htm and some times a longer address. Well, interested customers can barely remember you domain with the Internet abbreviation, so you need smaller address, but your server doesn't allow you for 1000 Subdomains because of space limitation, or simply it becomes very expensive, so what about http://You.123etc.com you got the point, after building the Subdomains or the referrals add them to your search engine registration and optimization software and check them at least monthly.
Territorial reasons. Many Internet surfers search the net territorially, so if you are interested in doing business in certain areas that are not your local business territory, Subdomain in a server with abbreviation for this area is your key, like many businesses who advertise in the international yellow pages,
Language reasons; many business directories in certain languages have the own popular webspace. Being part of this in their language is just a key to be introduced to their culture.
Stretching your net, with the whole skid full of your products can be shipped from the far west to the far east for not more than $200 by ocean freight, I see no reason why not to export by stretching your net, a wide net of Subdomains and referrals in carefully selected territories that will meet in your multi-language website is your key.
Some Subdomains, Dynamic URLs and many other free Internet service force pop-ups and banners over your page or behind it and some do-not. Be sure you are choosing the one who is suitable to your web appearance. A reputable site that will not cancel your subscription and refer the link to himself once your link gets popular.
Search engines
Understanding search engines and the ranking policy is essential for Internet success. According to the last statistics, 85% of Internet traffic comes from search engines, either categorized or algorithmic search engines. You need to submit your whole website, not the first URL, to at least 1000 search engine once a month to maintain decent traffic to your site and thus decent income. You may ask, why the whole site as long many search engines crawl and scan the whole site, links, photo, Audio/video/flash/XML Media. Well when you submit a photo for example, you’ll tell the search engine what is it and your comments on it as every other file. This way you’ll get the search engine focusing on your operation. The search engine will offer every file according to your comments and you will have better control on how your files will be presented to the Internet surfers and in respond to which key-word.
Search engine optimization, SEO
It is important to optimize your site and its network for different search engines. Some of them look at the title tag, others look at the page content. Even some considers your Internet age “how many years a particular site been on the net!” for ranking, Older sites are a credibility factor and even ever changing sites deserve more than a visit from the search engine’s crawler per day.
Using software for this job will make it easier, but be sure that the software is only doing its job and not peeking on your computer. Also scan your site regularly to broken links, un-optimized photos, in general, a photo should be within 72~75 dpi range, means 72 to 75 dot per inch for Internet viewing. You will find this option almost in every website editor, and 99~100 dpi for high speed sites or use the first photo as a low resolution alternative to the second photo. As general rule do not allow your web photos to be more than 1kb per square inch, more than that, warn the surfer, so you will keep the considerate impression toward your website as positive as you can.
Your Main Website,
You need a main website, a site that will authenticate your Internet presence Mostly, it is your Domain. It will always carry your latest news, updates, direct contacts, and take suggestions and complaints, even if you decided to allow agents and web malls to sell for you,
You still need an official site to at least handle new agents and receive direct contact from end customers, it is very essential not to be blocked by an agent, as not having a direct contact with your end users is a dangerous thing, I used to know which Wal-Mart store is out of stock through my website before Wal-Mart establishing their real-time online stock monitor! This was told to me just by the mail I received through my website.
The Ideal website is sophisticated behind the scenes but very user friendly to the browser. Your customers should know where they can go from any page and exactly what to choose in the front page to get what they want,. Browse similar sites in your field and check their way of offering their business. if you think part of their site is not adequate, do not repeat their mistake, probably hundreds of customers thinks it is inadequate too. For example there is something seriously wrong with hidden shipping and handing fees without giving the customer the option to ask before ordering, As well as:
Collecting private information through cookies or photo scripts
Collecting emails, address, and phone numbers in draws then reselling them
Keyword scams,
Keyword referral to website other than yours.
You need to offer your customer every reason to trust your firm and compensate the lack of not seeing you in person. Consider the:
Offer online support
Of direct contact
Reply to emails immediately
Place real pictures of you, your firm, your staff on the site, I placed my firm front door with RushStar Corporation sign on it, on the front page, my photo in the lab. and during testing and shows, Case studies and related verifiable testimonials in a great helper, covering the niche multicultural market gives you unprejudiced trust, international extend and surprisingly unexpected revenue.
Use a simple mix of unique template on HTML, PHP, or CGI with small flash, and try to minimize your page loading time as much as you can. An alternative to the flash if the customer's browser not supporting it or got it blocked by their firewall, put a description for every picture and alternative text or low resolution picture. Always give your customer the option of the way the like to brows your site, quick flash or comprehensive HTML. After finishing ask some one to look at it and give you feedback.
In your main page, either you are using FrontPage software with themes, templates with tables or dream weaver with CSS " Cascading style sheets" for less xhtml loading time or other editor, always make a tiny part of your every page that make your site more accessible:
Include small access keys legend; Alt + h to return to the home page, Alt + S for search and so on, this will make your site more accessible to audience with difficulties using the mouse.
Set a set of flags to represent languages that you can offer your site to read in, by human or machine translation, be ready to do business with the countries you offered you site in their languages. The secret here is not to define the language of that page and translate your slogan in every decided language and place all of them in your meta tag. This way your page will be picked by every search engine in theses languages. Make your slogan include the right keywords for your business to it will not be misunderstood in translation. Use simple words if you'll use a machine translation and do not build long complicated sentences.
Meta tags are hidden in your every page and they are the Title, description and keywords. Meta tags, are essentials for the search engine to know what is the webpage is about, A quick description about your page contents, starts with your page's file name, avoid names like index or default except for the folder entrance main page. Name every other file with a name that will reflect the actual content and with words contain the actual keywords you expect you client to use in their search. it's still a good idea to use keywords on information sites to give you a keyword reports related to your product and service, and from there build a map of complete webpages file names that will cover all the related product keywords and accurately describe your products or services. Then you build the Meta Tag of every page to get more specific and broader Specific in details about description and broader about the related keywords, you can do it manually or use Meta tag software, but as a rule of a thumb avoid using the same meta tag in every page you as need to change. Also update often for the search engine to recognize your new activity. You can alternate between few versions of the same page during the year with different meta tags with no change to your viewers’ content. You can add your scheduled changes as you plan too. Title, meta tag needs to contain your slogan to attract the viewer and give them a written hint of what the page contains. Next is description meta tag which can contain a broader explanation of content in sentences with more marketing techniques. The contents description is your second chance to entice the viewer. The keywords meta tag will not be read by the viewer, but helps search engines rank and sort your site in their system. Use both, singular and plural words. Surfers do use them in their search and in the end be sure many of these keywords are already in your actual page content as many search engines compare between Meat contents and actual page contents to kick spammers off the rank. Solid webpage construction provides Internet popularity and ranking.
Never make the size of your text by points or other units,. This will prevent browser from changing the size for their comfort, instead make them proportional.
Always add text representation for every photo or link. Also offer text version for an option.
Add an internal search engine for your site, not many search engines will limit their search to certain folders in your site so they may expose some files not for the purpose of web; under construction, test, deferent language etc., so choose the engine accordingly.
Optimize every part of your site; bitmap, flash, Java ... etc. the ultimate download. Never underestimate a 5 kb spacer here and a 9 kb filler table there. The total could be enormous delay in the download. This will repel some new clients away who do not now the nature of your page yet, even some servers will give false "can't be loaded warning". If your web nature makes the heavy graphics a must part of your business, make the first page very light and sample for entrance; then introduce your work in the second page.
Every webmaster is just striving to make his first page a masterpiece forgetting that many serious clients use firewall that prevent loading embedded objects., 3rd party cookies and even Java some times, This makes many masterpiece pages literally blank. They sacrifice the thrill of your web genius to their protection from other illusive websites. For this type of clients and many of them are serious businesses you must include plain clean HTML links to all your pages and easy navigation simple links. They have no time to admire the painting all they want to get are the facts and take the decision. Mind the firewall in your design and always consider including alternatives in your site - specially the first page.
Add simple access improvement links as; add us to you favorites, make us your start page, tell a friend or email this page to a friend, link unfamiliar phrases to pages in your site that explain them, to get the procedure of many hints mentioned here, simple type the phrase in any search engine and I'm sure you'll get many results that one of them would suite you.
Color the important text like your brand or product name. This contrast will leave a longer impression with your customer, please use this contrast wisely and only a little.
Monitor your site, either by making it your start page or by using monitoring service. This will give a fiddle idea how reliable your server is. The last thing you want for a customer, who will place an order, is to see your site down or your email address responds with fatal error. The server you use or hire is as important as your website. Monitor the server from a service that can use reliable multi location test, means they will contact your server from deferent locations around the world to rate connectivity speed and fast responsiveness through the rest of the servers in between. Also you can manually check your server speed and responsiveness by access your MS-DOS prompt while you are on the net and type "ping yourdomian.com" the MS-DOS will try three times and give you the rate for every try.
Also you can access any web translating sites in a different country and type your site for auto translation. This way you will access your site through their server and will be sure that your site is available.
When you use a server, mind that Linux servers are case sensitive in web addresses and windows servers are not. So if you are planning to take advantage on the difference’s in case sensitive file names, Linux is the way to go, but if your customer will type your xm file as Xm or xM and may be they will try XM.htm, windows is the way to go. This does not do anything with your operating system unless the server is in your computer of course. Also Linux will show your directory exposed on the Internet even your unlinked or stored files, windows will give Directory root denial message, Knowing the capabilities of your server is vital to prevent surprises and embarrassments.
But it is not really that hectic once you know the tricks. For example you can take advantage on both Linux and windows server Denial message which is called the 404 error “Not found” and the rest of it’s nephews as:
400 “Bad Request”
403 “Forbidden”
405 “Method not Allowed”
500 “Internal server Error”
Through your server control panel or your server administrator refer all these error pages to a special page of your design and tell the surfers nicely about the error. Give them a link to your main page or your website map. Always arrange a safe landing for your site visitors and never lose a Customer Again!
Also you can take them automatically from any error page to your site map by changing the setting of your server or by planting the following simple code in your previously mentioned special page.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="5;URL=http://www.yourwebsite.com">
<TITLE>You Message!</TITLE>
The number 5 is the amount of time in seconds before your visitors get referred to the new destination
Change “Your Message” to your own words, and the URL to your URL
Always Offer your visitors a Safe Landing
Power-words are the sign of superiority in your field, Self-confidence, but it also a promise.
Powerful words like, unsurpassed, greatest, the Only, the First, End of the line, State-of-the-art, Superior, etc.... can hold the customer for a while to think about your product and also buying it. Trusting your business professionalism and also because they didn't hear anybody firing back at you, it is like enslaving the buyers. Their mind at least, until purchase is done, well.... Thanks Again!
Many Automotive/jewelry dealers got their questionable reputation because they use power-words that prove false sometimes only minutes after completing the deal.
One of the popular auction sites on the net uses these words: "Send money to ANY one with an email address", testing it my self to pay suppliers overseas, I found out that this popular auction site can only serve 45 countries and not even all of them can receive the money. I called the long distance customer service, there is no 800 number, and inquired about the word “ANY”……….. they answered “Did we say that?”
Power-words can shorten your struggle and allow you to work smart, but they are a promise and a contract. Really look at your strongest point and deploy the power words in it. Allow your customer to feel the victory that he/she was smart enough to trust you. This is the appreciative customer.
Use the keywords wisely
Some Internet webpages creates traffic/entrance/referral/forwarding pages with tones of Keywords to attract search engines and customers. Once you access the page it will take you the target website. It is OK as long you are getting the right interested customer He/she will appreciate that you made their browsing easier, watch for these mistakes:
Do not over do it. A customer will tolerate you being in the first 10 ranks even out of 20 but will not tolerate getting your very same page 10 times under different links. Another solution is to change the content make of every page describing your product/service from different aspects with links or auto transfer to you site after 5~60 seconds to allow the client reading the different contents.
Never use unrelated keywords, you will be consuming your band-width if your server sat a bandwidth budget to you. Also it is not fair to the client who wastes time and the other website owners who deserves the traffic,
Also search engines are getting smarter if more the 50% of referral pages got the same content they will reduce ranking by 90%. So never copy and past 20 referral pages and place them in the server. You’ll be hurting your ranking. Instead, add a page or two every few days, search engine will respect that.
Instead, you can set a dictionary in the end of every page or Java pop up or another page in your site or affiliate site to explain and give definitions to many terms in your site. This will put your key words in a decent style. Also the links to others will put you always in higher position in the search engines, simply because your page becomes a reference page. Just be sure that the links are related to your field but not competitors, suppliers and of-course not customers. For example professional periodicals in your field are good links. Also universities, research instate, related service that customer always need with you products etc.
Marketing, Advertising, Sales, Promotion, and Public Relations
I remember seeing a falsely proud Marketing firm with the following insulting slogan " any fool can make soap, only a genius can market them." Well..... if a fool will make soap he will not add anti-oxidant to prevent discoloration and foul smell, also no pH controller or even the adequate measuring, simply because he is a fool. This product does not need a genius to market it, it needs a con. You get the point. So this marketing firm is advertising products of fools to sell them to more fools. You now know what kind of clients are there. When I started to analyze their testimonials, many of them in unverifiable like Mr. Jones, B.C... Really!, Get real now. The only verifiable testimonial was from individuals who sold shelf stalling books, Been on shelf for years. Get reach quickly scams. Value stock market dispirits investors and silk screen printed cellular phone booster that is nothing but a cheap scam " printing an antenna symbol on plastic label and sticking it on your cell. phone internal wall will never improve your wireless reception." They sell it for $ 29.99. You do not want to deal with firm like this. If you ever deal with marketing firm or even allow them to sell you their marketing strategy for even $19.99, donate those 20 dollars and you will get more blessing from GOD.
A Marketing firm contacted me to solicit orders for their bulk faxing service. Although I’m against sending unsolicited faxes or emails and only for Authorized lists by its members. Out of curiosity I asked them to see a sample of their successful FAX campaigns, here it is:
Telephone Reconnection Service
Has your phone been cut off?
Have you been turned down for phone service?
People, if the recipient who needs your service has his phone cut off, HOW can he/she receive your FAX?, Hellooo....
Before working with marketing or advertising firm be sure that they are sincere, getting you business as they got your business.
Spams and Scams
In the beginning of the Internet year I hired someone to promote my website. Trusting he knows what he is doing, a few days later I found my main site off the server. That person used cheap unsolicited email addresses to add to his margin. Well it did not add up really because I canceled the contract immediately, from this experience I learned two valuable lessons:
If the list is not collected by your site/email client from actual customer asked for your newsletter, never deploy it until you send a very short email asking for their permission and mention what kind of information are your intending to send.
Never refer to your main site through first run/ always use side sites for email news, with or without cloaking. Leaving the site title different than your final destination site for recognition, this will protect your main site from competitors/hackers/spammers/spoilers/scammers from trying sending fake spam and refer it to your main site to harm your reputation. When it’s is known that is no authenticated news letter comes out of you refers to your main site because you offer alternative news website, you’ll be less worry of unholy overnight tricks. I’ve learned the hard way, so I wrote this book to save you from troubles.
Use Stats and site statistics on every important page in your site and mirrors. This will give you better idea about the behavior and interaction of your visitors inside your site and where you need to improve and how to make your site navigation easier.
"Squeaky wheel has got to get the Oil"
One of the problems of the Internet is Trust. You find people coming out of the blue. Trying to sell you a product/service or asking you questions. Any one on the net can hide behind deferent identity, but not in Business and here is how:
Put your contact information on all websites so customers can locate and talk to you. If you have no time for unwanted calls forward them to a call center or set a number with immediate answer service. You can get online free phone number with answer service and fax number to give the customer your contacts
Set a live customer service on all your websites/Dynamic Sub Domains, customer will know that there is a real person behind this website
Share your opinion on related news groups when people search for you, they will know you are there.
Answer related questions on the Internet, look for opportunities on forums, ask Joe, local posts
Put your news on your website: shows, big deals, welcoming new client, new workforce member, new awareness, related alerts
Add News page to your website. I don't mean you intend it only for the media to access it. They mostly will not refer to it except you are paid advertiser in their system. So this will be a bonus or you meet them in their local groups so this is a compliment for your loyalty/ Or you got an accident so this will interest their leaders and pays-off. What I mean is to make your own Media page for interested reading customers, college/school news hunters, your dealers and distributors. Many search engines will rank this page as News. A news page should be constructed as an Internet page; html/php/asp including your updated news categorized in sections of interest and also with icons for the associated news feed of RSS as rich site summery for both RSS and Atom XML readers. What is RSS?
RSS or rich site summary is designed to cover a broader reader base on the Internet with specific interest in certain subjects. The RSS and XML readers extract this information from all over the Internet and feed it to them as Subject, description, link and contact email. The new way in superior to regular search because it allows browser to get to the interested parts as a straight shooter, no wonder 2000 media in more than 65 countries are using it, besides great growing number of users
RSS feed, after editing ,needs to be validated, through several free validation sites on the net, also watch for error reasons to fix in the code, specially the usual date/time code. Sometimes it needs to be fixed from your computer setting, and after a few tries and you can get it straight.
Every Item on your server should be optimized not only the htm but also for including key words or the photos for fast downloading and attached discretion. Include your PDF, Text files and even word documents. If anything containing text optimizes it and make always a link from it to your authoritative website.
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الدورة الرابعة - المقايضة الشرعية - تهميش محتكري المال و الضرائب
Barter, Turning the Table on the Emperor’s Gold
Barter was the getaway of the dark-ages. When holding enough of the emperor’s gold meant selling your first child, Well....it did not change much with 35~45% taxes plus GST/PST/VAT from 7~23% in some countries plus Gas taxes. Also the banks take fees to open and run your checking account and use your money for them elves, then the insurance shares every profit you make, it's still the Emperor’s Gold with modern definition of slavery, So Barter you should go.
What is Barter?
Selling Item in exchange of another item equals in value as trade in. Many marketing companies cashing on the Idea started their own "Barter Exchange" inviting companies to join and open an account for each member with upfront credit to spend and of course offering their products for barter to re-feed the account. As many members you can get as much the exchange becomes versatile, popular, and realistic. For the exchange owner there is almost no risk, because the credit account is his right pocket and the debit account is his left pocket. The company of his members is in debit meaning another is in credit for the same value, so by the end of the day what ever you owe for certain companies already owed to you by others. So the Barter Exchange works like the credit card company issuing Barter Credit Card, when you sell item or service, they hold the money for you on your barter account until you use it to buy something else from their members. Every exchange works with its own Barter currency which is accepted as cash by its members and always equal the nominal value of it's country's currency and in reciprocal with other exchanges. Barter Exchanges make their living by charging a percentage form 1~5 % for every transaction buy/sale and some times plus monthly fees and joining one time setup charge and even some of them charge annual contract renewal fees. All in cash, and here is the deal, if you convince them how your products/services are under high demand or there is no big margin in it, or that you strictly apply barter=cash policy. You can wave the fees as I do, except the percentage commissions which I see fair enough. Also you can arrange the sales fees to be on barter and the purchase fees to be on cash, so the whole deal is open and never take it as is.
How is Barter good for you? Barter will allow you do the following:
Cover niche market of customers who won’t buy from you wit cash, because of your price or other products that could be more appealing than yours. Or simply because they are not in your geographical area, but if bartering they will go the extra mile.
Because also taxes are paid on barter "in realistic exchanges." When you close your fiscal year booking with equal sale and purchase taxes, you owe no sales taxes to submit. More advanced than that you can manage your barter purchases to equalize your cash sales tax received through your regular cash sales and this is accepted by the government, as their legislators consider barter ad cash transaction are the same trade and value
Troubled merchandise either because of overstocking and you need the space for upcoming production, or overproduction and your client is upgrading to the next generation of your products, returned merchandise because of wrong UPC or labeling, your troubled merchandise is always a good merchandise to others doesn't matter if label shows deferent UPC code or the you got 100k of them in your storage. The matter is the market value and the right time and place to offer the product.
Every enterprise either you or the biggest firm in the world always work in less than their production capacity, sometimes with 50%. This will show a loss in raising overhead cost if they offer products and unproductive hours of manpower. If they offer service, the solution is to barter a certain amount of the available capacity in exchange of other products and services on barter this will save in the account payable cash and reduce the over all overhead.
You can always repay what you spent on barter with your work not the emperor’s gold and with no interest. Simply because barter money is not non-negotiable currency, it's a product that works like public company's shares.
In case of disasters, barter companies can continue their business managing business fairly through their clients
Charity on barter benefits every one. The charity organizations get an easy access to many barter resources and products to the poor and troubled every where around the world from barter freight for their shipment abroad to barter dental for challenged individual down the street. On the other hand your firm will get cash tax credit for the barter amount they spent on charity, really a fair deal.
How to choose a barter exchange? here is what you need to look for in a Barter Exchange:
Largest number of members
Most versatile products and services
Acceptance of weaving all hidden fees
Ask for member list and contact members for their experience specially members in your field
Ask if they will offer you credit to try their service
Compare the prices of available products on the exchange with the fair market cash value
Never give them your credit card details or authorize them to an access to charge directly you bank account " pre-authorized payment with VOID check"
Get delivery/shipping/courier members on barter
Members charge Sales taxes on Barter
How to Barter?
Items should equal its cash value or at least fair market price with slight compensation for the barter company's charge or commission. In big transaction, ask the barter broker for a break in the fees and suggestions on how to spend this money on their exchange.
If your PST sales tax account with government is not in + value "because there is no credit for the PST", make your customer aware that you'll charge the PST in cash during that period. Simply because what ever taxes you collect on the barter, the government will take them from you on cash if your final account is negative. Meaning you collected taxes more than you paid so you should pay the difference to the government, but in the end it's still your choice. In some cases your profit margin on that item is high enough or the barter exchange really offer great products and services from other members or by themselves that they bought in bulk or from auctions that can compensate the whole deal fairly.
Every Barter Exchange will claim the theoretical slogan that their 1 Barter currency unit equals 1 cash currency unit, for example 1 barter Euro equals 1 cash Euro. This is not the fact on ground all the time, although it's not public but every barter exchange used to have their own Barter currency exchange not only with other exchanges which they call reciprocal but also between their currency and the actual cash dollar exactly as the Stock market value, depending on many changing factors as members numbers., Their barter price fluctuation, their fees, available barter freight, down line is how their barter environment resembles the real world but on barter with all the products and services needed from food to cars and from accommodations to air tickets with the lowest fees possible. This is why many of them trying to flee this fact by doing the following:
Claming their own international barter currency with international offices.
Amalgamating big amount of exchanges in one big group online to offer the biggest amount of products and services in the fairest price.
Your survival here is to judge the actual value of the available products and services to the fair market value in your area if it's available all times! If you are satisfied, every one is in business.
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الدورة الخامسة - قلب التحديات لفرص
How to turn Challenge into opportunity and down-time into Paid R&D
Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
Always think positive, as my father (God bless his soul) always said. If it will not break you, it will strengthen your back. Challenge is just an experience and a test. Exactly like success, I've never called any situation a failure except to joke on failures. It's only a failure if you accept, even if there is no immediate solution. Never accept the On-Ground situation in your heart and always keep the struggle and be ready for the change. Wind never stays in one direction.
Your great destiny was written even before you born. Just show that you deserve it. Holding a challenge is a success. Focus on your goal and be determined. You win when you are not losing simply because you hold a position, Never be dictated to or distracted from your destiny. Again show that you deserve it.
Holding this spirit up all the time will be strengthened by strategy and tactic, It's very important to set short term goals that will lead to the long term one. They are like stepping stones, needed to mark timely achievement without worry of re-invent the wheel few times over and over again.
Short time goals in a challenge could vary as follow;
Hold position until analyzing what went wrong. It's essential to know the main players and factors in your operation, in and out. Build your own charts and hang them on your private office walls exactly like your old time schedule " before PDs" look at factors like suppliers and how to get into partnership with them or hold opportunity to alternate between them. This will decrease the risk of delaying your order when you need them or delaying you if any of them got out of business. The same with every factor, having analysis of every effective factor in your operation will shorten the challenge analysis time and eliminate the shock of bad surprises. Just quick advice, do not let the pizza boy into your private office specially if you use your impression language to describe the factors on your wall charts as "the gangs" for your employees and "the explosion" for your new season market surprise and specially this one "deploying the rocket" for your new product this one can really lead you into investigation. I'm serious.
Turn the challenge into opportunity. The best way to fix a problem is to face it some way or another. Downed machine can be turned into an SR&ED to invent a better machine with higher capabilities. 10 years ago I had problem in formulating the first Real Engine treatment in Canada, with the previously mentioned analysis I quickly discovered why no one had a real engine treatment made in Canada. The scenario to offer people a product to coat the engine internal parts is more than concentrated additives in a base as many ‘As seen on TV’ scams did, or using phosphorus gear oil as an engine treatment as some manufacturers sadly did to find a foot for them self in this new market. This can really ruin the brass parts in any engine. It was down time and either to choose "get rich quickly" and follow the stream or "accept the challenge" and get down into your knees under the machine and start SR&ED. I've choose the second one. It took me behind in the market for almost a year, others sold millions nationally and abroad building strong market base and amazing network of beneficiaries. Well, I discovered in SR&ED that regular machines will never build a formula that can coat thermally, meaning coating the hot engine parts that get hotter by friction more than cold parts. The machine never exists simply because many associated technologies were never ready until that year. While competitors cashing on the new wave of engine treatment, I built the machine from scratch using tempered glass tractor doors, huge stainless-steel deep frying pan, tanks, many pumps, sensors, switches, some electronics and some other secret parts. A year later I took an appointment with Canadian Tire store manager, bought one of every engine treatment product they carry on their shelves, paid for all of them, and went to the store manager's appointment telling him, these products are worthless. They do not coat thermally if they even coat at all and I can prove it right now because I brought the standards Timken machine with me. The manager paged the mechanic managers and other staffers to attend this challenging claim. According to the letter they wrote later, my product is equal or better than every product they have on shelf. Well the letter was trying to be politically correct. In fact my product was the only one that stood the test .All the others failed badly including the very well known long established brands. The results were because my product was the best. Their customers started to knock my doors even after business hours, Canadian tire main management took their time trying to catch how this happened, but Wal-Mart didn't wait and placed huge blasting orders with me. I got the whole market into new definition, turning the challenge into SR&ED can pay very well later, also you'll will catch on the industry credits simply because you become the top of the line.
Diverse your route, remember, you have an ultimate destiny and long term goals. So diverging some short term goals in an acceptable sacrifice, if that the existing route is blocked, if the local suppliers are lobbying on you, reach globally, and if the marketing associates thinks his your gate to paradise or at least trying to convince you, hit the Internet. Also working in group alliance with other businesses is a diversion route to internal employees conflicting. And you may like to consider changing the whole country if the government is bullying on you. Both fighting or changing the government are not schedule permitting, GOD created us with options, never limit your options, considering diversion can be a short cut that you'll be happy you did.
Responsive Business
Although a business plan is vital, essential and viable tool, Never stick to it unless the market. Alliance and supplies prove your plan expectations correct. Be wise and responsive, do not change the plan because your account receivable is less than your account payable for a month, but do not wait 3 years and finally you do not have enough money to advertise your business for sale.
Tax Credit and Government Incentives
This depends on your area, and it starts from rent and utilities incentives to hiring pay outs. The most common art is the Income tax Scientific research and experimental development SR&ED in Canada and R&D in the US and many other countries.
It can cover good ratios from eligible R&D expenses. Salaries including yours, materials used in tests, new machines and instruments bought specially for the R&D or Partially so it will be calculated be percentage. Fees paid to subcontractors who advised on the project, offered designs or drawing or even moved your equipment’s and finally a percentage of your overhead cost elected in average.
This Scientific tax credit can vary from federal and provincial return in most of Canada to only federal and no provincial in some provinces as PEI. In the end the total will not be a big of a difference, simply because the federal part gets extended to cover a considerable amount of the provincial part if the province has no program for Scientific tax credit.
The Scientific tax Credit program will give decent tax brake if you are in a profit position and a cash tax refund if you are on loss position. Although your project can't go forever, but your previous losses can be applied against the applicable taxes in your corporate tax returns for the next 5 years and past 3 years, also against your personal next 5 years if you decided closing the company.
Given the formula and design where foreign countries have access to it, will be exposed and exploited.
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الدورة السادسة - قلب السحر على الساحر و ضربه بتصنته
How to survive surveillance!
Surveillance costs industry and Technopreneurs billions and billions for intellectual property loss and projects theft. The ridiculous low investment for surveillance makes it a growing business for many who used to make their life on misery of others. Especially if they can get a million dollars in sales for every few hundred dollars spent. To them it is much better than drugs, illegal trafficking and gangs, also decorating this unholy activity with a patriotic theme attempting to make it holy and encouraging their family members to spy on their own friends. The difference between authorized legitimate monitoring for public safety and unethical surveillance starting from stealing secrets and watching victims in very private situations is like a very fine hair, always missing or shaved on purpose.
Surveillance is the profession of ZERO ethics code, and can recruit the last person you can expect.
You owe it to yourself to protect you self, never under estimate how important your work is or to think you’re still in the beginning and have nothing important developed yet. Surveillance can be set on you for years and for few dollars a month, you consider yourself a Technopreneurs you got to adopt an anti-surveillance strategy and make it part of your life!
Do not take it racial and do not get paranoid, but for more than three years a Muslim family with young autistic child been under Audio/Video surveillance using bad neighbors with the authorities knowledge. The bad neighbors failed to find anything wrong with the family so they started using the surveillance equipment to know when the family went to sleep and come to bang on their doors after midnight, running in the family’s residence with there trucks and use the surveillance to ruin their business, Spy is a person with criminal mentality and Zero ethics. It may harm you despite you are clean. Just to proof that he wasn’t wrong in the first place it continues, instead of compensating you and Apologize. So do not be the next victim or even live bait.
Surveillance in the new millennium is not a car following you or a bunch of felons setting in your basement with big eavesdrop speaker connected to your phone line with gigantic audio recorder big enough to get your whole desktop computer inside it. No, it only need tiny GPS tracker for only few hundreds dollars to track your car and a $15 FM Phone connector transmitter to replace your existing one in your office in less than 10 seconds while you were answering the door. Never leave that strange visitor beside your desk. Well, even exchanging the phone card is an easy task for any phone company ex-employee from your phone box outside your home or office. Beside of-course accessing your non-password protected telephone company voicemail, also it is not carrying the important conversations beside the ocean loud waves, new electronic filter synchronizers with lips reading computer can bring more clear than you talking. In fact you will find in the next section that your white wall glass skinned lab is safer than other places. Defeating surveillance won’t be achieved by using anti bugging device only. It will be achieved by adopting a certain behavior and strategy.
The Essential part of this strategy is to judge and characterize the size and the danger of the threat. Exactly the same way you judge and characterize a prospective client, How far can they go and how far can you go to protect your hard work? And here is another golden role, "if surveillance only cost few thousand dollars to steel millions, defeating that few thousand dollars surveillance would cost only few Hundred dollars and little efforts", Also the reward is great: safety, peace of mind and also you may win a little piece of gadget can lead you to who is trying to sabotage your life and bring them to justice and then ultimately to the civil court to pay up.
There are major surveillance tectonics need to be manipulated and defeated by your strategy:
Hacking your computer/server/data storage space, through direct control, virus, adware, Trojan....etc.
If you can always keep one computer off the Internet, as your vault, and only transfer from it and never to it, and always through disks/CDs formatted on the same computer. I know it sounds basic and little obsolete, but it's never defeated except by accessing the actual computer manually, we'll cover this later
The other computers got to have Firewall as Zone Alarm, anti-virus as Norton, adware removal installed all the time, as for the adware removal software you will find many of them are produced by spy firms, It make sense. They are the most experienced in spy tools, producing it, then producing a tool to remove every other spying bug but theirs. Most of the time installing their bug on your computer and update it with transferring you data, to defy this, you'll need to install more the one spy remover program, so every one will remove the bug of the other program!, also when they contact the Internet, if you chose to allow them to do so through your firewall, watch that they are receiving not sending all the time!
Consider dedicating a less demanded computer station only for emailing activity and away from any of your Internet activities, this will pay back in better security.
Update your computer operating system regularly and on demand. Many threats get fixed in the original system like windows for example just days before the global spread of the threat. Many who update the system regularly against latest security threats really get away safe every time.
Never leave your computer online all the time, at least turn engage Internet lock through your firewall. Many spy detectors can detect registry manipulation, turn this option ON.
When updating your site, scan your local web folder on your computer for spy wares. Erase the whole web folders on the web server and re-upload the whole site on a clean server. Watch your computers performance. If it slows down after visiting a website, you probably caught spyware, clean the cache using professional software. If it does not improve the speed, run a system scan then reboot.
Never allow search tool bars on your browser, they track your surfing. Also nosy programs that claim automatic update, except your own trusted platform/Operating System OS, firewall, virus protection, every other program got to ask for a permission before contacting, being on the net is like being on a downtown street so any thing could happen, so be ready.
Keep a separate drive or a partition from your existed drive for your data, and a copy of your original C or booting drive updated. Every month, delete and format the whole C drive and copy the original from the other disk/partition/CD to it, you will get amazed how your computer will do better and How felons loose your trace!
If you are that type of closed in a hurry by the end of business day, set your computer to clean traces, check viruses, and sweep spyware overnight as scheduled maintenance. If you prefer to manually shut-off the computer and lock it, set this maintenance during launch time. Do not carry multiple days in business with spyware transferring your data. It is like working for your enemies.
Use encrypted email software between you and your partners, Do not repeat what happened over the phone on the email for the same client. Do not send back the same email back and forth as reply to all the time. Simply one of these emails can reveal the business preparation for a month.
It is a good practice to make the data hard drive removable or even all the hard drives and lock them overnight. While you are away your 3 months hard work cad design can be taken in 3 minutes data transfer over your printer port, remove the drive.
Bugging your phone/fax/cell
Now this idea depends on the level of the threat. This will determine the amount of sophistication as follows:
Scanning your place with a cheap transmission detector will do the trick to get rid of small telephone receptacle connectors or FM transmitters installed by trade amateurs. The transmission detector is all over the net and getting cheaper everyday. It detects every high radio transmission as cell phones in un-authorized areas, as well as wired people and bug transmitters. It is simply a regular pager without a tuner which buzzes in the existence of every radio transmission with higher deference of potential than 20 mv. Even this unit can be adjusted through sensitivity adjuster knob. A directive antenna can be added to show you the direction of the transmission. Remember, this detector can’t detect issues of online phone bugging, sonar transmitters, programmed transmitter that transmit on demand, except if you leave it ON with adapter at all times. Maser and VUHF "very ultra high frequency" are not all that the detectors are not designed for. The same is for Ultra low frequency, analog and digital scanners which is good for your wireless and cell communications. Mind that the simple baby monitor can be intercepted easily by a good antenna and good RF booster, at least leaking some information about you and people around you. Also if you are using wireless cameras to monitor in/out your property the same concern applies, so wired cameras can do a securer job.
Never transfer information over analog systems, even in a home wireless system. It's just a disaster, especially if you suspect Bugging. Transfer partly false data and watch the results.
Never lend your cell to anyone. It may come back bugged, not by the used but by someone using him or her.
If your project is big, then setting a frequency analyzer antenna connected to the laptop is a valid option. This setting will analyze all the frequencies around your property and catch unauthorized transmission for immediate investigation. The same is done by using oscilloscope analyzer for every landline coming out of your property - even the power line. As carrying the Surveillance data over the power line to your Neighbor is a common practice, this will get the IN and OUT under control.
Defeating audio/video infrared in-house surveillance
As a role of thumb, infrared cams detect infrared cams, nightvision goggles/glass, and infrared cams. The famous Sony night camcorder, and even the IR filter black glasses can see part of the IR spectrum that regular human eyes can't see. They simply convert the IR into near green photo and in color in updated types, simply you will see the luminescent IR LEDs that luminous to the camera lens to spy.
For regular spy cams, you can detect the internal frequency by a bug detector, but if it is shielded you can detect the transmitting frequency from 900 MHz to 2.4 GHz, but if it's wire and not wireless, using a metal detector will get it. If it uses fiber optics instead of the metal wires it will not go far until it reaches the electronic board with its recognized frequency to the bug detector.
Do not put your office in the front of the parking lot. It is so easy to eavesdrop through the glass window with small laser vibration detector and an ultra sensitive direction microphone. I saw it myself, the bidding price and even some ingredients was revealed in one meeting. The Technopreneur suspected his visitors but they were innocents.
Please watch your discussion and always remember which information went to whom. And who is entitled to which level of information. Please do me a favor, never volunteer with your own personal or research information.
Never meet people in your working office, just make a general corner or fixtures in a clean room for meetings, exchange files, discuss business. Never let visitors in your working office, neither your courier delivery nor Pizza boy, because your work office is not an open exhibition for your work.
Your lab wall should be all white with nothing hanging or a wall clock. A spying wall clock is everywhere and looks exactly like yours, use your hand watch for timing and spray your lab's wall with simple white paint once every few months. This will block pen hole hidden cameras, use you own instruments and do not leave one instrument outside all the time. This can be used for hosting the surveillance camera..
If you skin the Lab wall with IR blocking glass, like that one for winter nursery, or fill it with refractory materials or black color cloth or used tire rubber, these will block the outside Energized Infrared imaging.
Car GPS tracking
For Bulk Materials pick-up, use rental trucks. This will keep your car new and the tracking just in the rental agent parking lot you can also change the agent next time, seeing your easily recognized car especially with the company logo in the front of the supplier's front door is just invitation for peaky Dave to step in and say hi... I just saw you car outside. If you must, leave your car away at least fifteen yards " GPS accuracy" and walk. Use your other registered company to buy and receive the invoice then settle this between your two companies for the tax proposes. If the surveillance reached your tax files, you'll need to change province/state or even cars..
Eavesdropping your associates, alliance and suppliers
To be in business, you need to be in a network of associates, alliance, suppliers and of course buyers. Their files are actually a mirror of your files, part of your account payable is part of the account receivable of every one of them and visa-versa. Also if you are a continuous buyer of certain ingredients, you become a lead in a marketing company list for that certain ingredient. If your naive supplier revealed your details in the credit application to the so-called international buyer insurance company. You become an automatic Lead in the same category for seller’s world wide as a mandatory procedure in this insurance company Hidden Agenda to multiply their profit.
All you need is strategic set of solutions:
You are allowed to legally set different postal and physical addresses to your departments. Also different brand names and trade names to the same legal firm, even if you are a One Man Show. Use these options to set up a purchase department with different brands or different legal company names with separate address and the sales department with another set of details. Set up as many departments you need. Your aim is to prevent the Hacker from connecting your Purchased ingredients to a certain product.
Your Mail and Courier
Your courier man can keep track of your received contents through the waybills and custom forms. Far more always use the second company strategy with open discussion with him: “Ah, finally, the new paint sample has arrived, but I don't think it is enough for the kids room, Ha ha ha.” Of course you are talking about your new anti-oxidant paint color enhancer project! …. Just try once to show-off and you'll pay. Sorry, but it hurts.
Games, Games and more new Games! Welcome to the club.
After all the final success is what kind of discussions you are conducting around the office, in home and over the phone. You will be surprised the amount of gathered information the one person can spell every day. A conservative person is safer so never hire a nosy or show-off type person in critical data position. Both will crack your vault unintentionally for their bad habits.
Always remember what you said to whom, and try to figure out how this information is coming back to you. You will discover amazing connections.
Sort your Garbage
Not only for recycle and environment protection purposes, but for your protection too. You see, garbage is one of the easiest and legal methods to track your research activity. Analyzing what you bought from the suppliers "which you should use the your own deferent name buying company to flee it" and the composition of you waste can give detailed data about what you have done with the materials and in what stage are in, and here are few suggestion for what to do with you garbage:
Remove labels from bottles and bags and clean them from inside exactly as the recycling notes suggest
Use what is considered production waste in second production in other stages. Never through a one stage waste, this is good for both your security and budget. For example, over alkaline body shampoo formulas can be naturalized for your industrial unit floor cleaning, your failed carbon plastic formula is a good wall insulator against infrared surveillance...etc.
And because your next door nosy jack got a new scanner with expensive decoder for your new expensive wireless phone, always get your important calls on your low tech wire phone. Once your conversation over the wireless phone gets critical just turn the call to your old tech phone, you win.
"Choose the Right Environment"
It is quite OK to change residency or even a country to go with a new invention. A new, successful invention means a new life for many. Never trust what is written on the tourism brochure about a certain community until you go there and check it for yourself. I even registered a new business in a new rural area based on written materials from the local business development office. The result was another moving, it’s not only the matter of available foundation of suppliers chain or suitable market, As the Internet has almost eliminated these worries, the vital matter, in my opinion, is you look back after a decade from now and feel that this community really deserved all the hard work you contributed. Plus it should be a privilege to you to work in their environment, If you do not feel that way, get out now and find the people who deserve your business and time. Nothing is worse than regrets and bitterness from an incompatible environment to you and your brain.
dd & Manage Items.
الدورة السابعة - النجاح و فن الإحتفاظ به
The Art of Success, State of the Art!
Success is as dangerous as real failure. In success, unprepared short-time partners will start looking into each other's part of the pie. Employees and supporters will expect more than a dime of appreciation. Customers will be expecting an awesome performance similar to your first hit, but you did not keep the formula or sometime did not realize how it happened, thinking it is a happy end to your struggle, will this is not a movie. It is your living and probably the living of others trusted your view and strategy. The most dangerous thing in success is not having a plan of "How to Keep Successful."
"If it's rolling, well... keep it rolling", This is the first lesson I've ever learned in success. If you succeeded or even partially succeeded in certain aspect DO NOT try to change elements or improve formulas. Wait and keep it rolling and you keep reading to know why.
Share a valuable percentage of your success with all your associates. Here is the secret, share the same TYPE of success and mostly with the one who contributed the most but always make it a team party and appreciation. here is an example; your associate Succeeded in securing an agreement to cover your presentation/sponsorship/road test by local media or to be included in a festival, now there is no direct Money involved, but this associate did well, now you announce the news. Thank the associate, give him credit and share the happiness with every one, a month later and related to that agreement resulted a bigger customer came to your sales and asked for a bigger order. Now you share money with everyone, but mostly with the associate involved starting from securing the coverage agreement to closing the sale.
Investigate what are the key elements of this success, exactly, as investigating failure key elements. This time not to avoid but to repeat in every department and situation, you got the formula
Success results trust. Trust in your vision and plan. Be sure you got a plan and use this trust to fuel the wild part of your plan that you could not deploy until now, like….. new sales strategy by turning your biggest clients into shareholders by offering a bonus company shares, or offer a competition for the best innovation in your field to be your next company product with upfront cash and considerable royalty agreement. Or offer a join forces with a bigger firm, there is nothing like success only when you can use it.
Dr. Rushwan’s Predictions
Here are my humble logical predictions for the people needs in the next 50 years:
Note: these predictions were written almost a year before the tsunami disaster, but the book got many delays due to many unfortunate incidents from the PEI locals.
Personal water finders, diggers and collectors; from trained water finding birds to sophisticated soil humidity sensors and from Fog collectors to complete self propelled well kits and pits also personal water purification systems, you may feel funny about this prediction when you live around or near the great lakes, but polluted water is exactly like Ocean/Sea water every where.. Undrinkable and even worse. Innovation could be from anti-bacteria water purification/clearing tablets, to toxic indicators tapes, quick drinking water analysis kits, to water purification plants and from quick act zeolite to sophisticated ultra-violet and membrane systems. Although the main trends would be toward simple self-maintained systems or at least systems can be serviced/fixed by the owner.
Bulk Dry-Frozen food, all kinds. Raw and cooked, concentrated and divided to personal meals packed by the thousands with shelf life up to 100 years. The just add water type and perhaps with self heating attachment. Processing food on site either it is a farm or a fishery then shipping it directly as a final product.
Quick, light and easy to erect homes that are mobile, strong and can provide main necessity for a longer period. I'm not talking about shelters/tents/trailers/motorhome, I'm talking about houses made out of aramid like materials very light/water proof/ bullet proof/ aging proof and can be service free erected in hours like air structures then filled with foam or pressurized air tubes. Containing all life necessities plus add-ons option of extra rooms, hydroponics section, well room, storage, etc..., these homes should be in the price of a good trailer and the ability or regular person.
Advanced First aid kits, not that one of Dr. bandage. The needs will be more serious and more advanced first aid even with how to do your self simple operations videos will be needed, Also Herbal pharmacy kit will be needed, either as seeds and plants for home systems or final extracts for all needed medical needs from anti-inflammatory, cold, cough, to sedatives and anti toxic vaccines. Look at the Internet search engines now, you will not find Herbal pharmacy kit, look after 20 years and thank God I predicted it. I've predicted many products in the past 30 years and I'm not surprised any more when I see one of my predicted products on shelf or under a car hood.
Aramid clothing. The need will be dispirit for anti-stabbing and sometime, bullet proof clothing every where, Aramid, Kevlar, Vectran, Carbon Fiber, Zylon, Nextel, Dyneema, Spectra and every other long chain High strength fibers will take place instead of silk and nylon. Ballistic weave instead of regular weave, have you ever though about infant ballistic snowsuits? think again
Family coordination and communication systems. People will be turning away from big brother controlled systems and international public milking tycoons to their own personal systems that can help find each other and communicate with without a monkey on their shoulder. The need will be throughout the city small VHF and VHF locators up to long distance low power consumption repeaters, Say Again... Who Contaminated our life?
All fuels/terrain self lubricating amphibious mobile systems. A mobile system or let's say a car/craft with more capabilities not luxuries is highly predicted. Being trapped with a vehicle that can't pass a river/lake/bond running away from a forest fire or can't overcome flooded street or muddy field, it is the last thing people will need in a case of repeated disasters. An oil change and anything other than fuel will be something from the past, even the fuel should be any available from gas to alcohol even water mixed diesel or even extracted Hydrogen. People will realize that outside the 200 kms wide so elegant city there is a dusty old earth and in case they need to flee the city they will need more than four wheeled phony metal box.
Standard personal self defense, Self defense gadgets as zappers, pepper spray, small guns will become standard personal gadgets like the cellular phone and even wrest watch.
Massive Migration Services from 50 to 5000 people capacity with their Cargo belongings
And beyond materialistic needs, you may consider: Community Governing service. Well... if you were open minded enough to read the previous predictions, you will not mind this one. People will not mind paying for a service that can provide uncorrupted governing systems. Provide fair justice leadership with eliminated lobbying and respected voice for every member without brainwash media, slavery financial systems, blood sucking services as legal closed circle, or insurance, High education and health, in a system will put public security before his and public welfare as his survival kit, people will refuse every governing system available now on earth. Every one will try to leave and find a system that suites him instead of modifying his/her performance to comply with the existed corrupted strings controlled systems everywhere. People will improve from educated customers to well educated citizens! The Trend is obvious. It is the same need that caused a real person to pay thousands of real dollars to buy a Virtual Island and caused others to pay him to build their house on it. It is the need for a virtual world, when the real one is nothing, but the same old ugly emperor regimes in different colors and languages. People either will go virtual or will go nuts
My dear reader, I squeezed my 20 years in few pages hoping that you may find a word here or there that can give you boost. Please give me your feedback and how do you think I can do better for you. I’ll publish your support in my next edition and on my website, please email to Dr.Rushwan@RushStar.com, best wishes in your next adventure and please do keep in touch.
The author assumes no legal responsibility for the information provided on this book, and accepts no liability in case of misusing them.
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شرح كامل للمشاريع التي نفذها البنك بتطبيق نفس الإستراتيجيات
رابط مشاريع بنك التقنيات المنفذة داخل الوطن العربي و باستخدام نفس الإستراتيجيات و باللغة العربية
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معامل النانو من بنك التقنيات
بنفس الإستراتيجيات
تمكن البروفسور رشــوان من إنشاء معامل نانوماكس لإنتاج أول علاج طبيعي من فوائق نانوية - التقنية بالكامل و التي أعترف بها عالمياً مع عشرات الآلاف من المشترين المتزايدين يومياً مبنية على نفس إستراتيجيات الكورس و تقنياتك الشخصية التي ستتعلم بإذن الله في هذه الكورسات المدمجة كيف تتحرك و تنتج و تبيع و تربح كشركة متكاملة
في هذه الحالة يكون الوكيل بشروطك أنت فأنت لا تحتاجه
و لن تقبل إلا شراكة الشركات التكاملية و فقط إن رغبت كما هو مشروح بالإستراتيجيات كيانك التجاري, إختيارك
و تظل عائلتك ممتنة لمثالك العصامي بينهم بحمدالله
نانوماكس العربية
نانوماكس الإنجليزية
Wild Ginseng forests
غابات الجنسنج البري
إنها إستراتيجية تحويل التحديات إلى فرص , حيث الغابات تعتبر في العديد من الدول عالة على الأرض حيث لا تزرع لضعف ضوء الشمس الواصل للتربة و تأثير نوع الأوراق المتساقطة من اشجارها كل سنة على التركيبة الكلية للمنظومة البرية و لا تقطع طبقاً للقوانين و بإعتبارها رأس مال خشبي مخزن و لكن عندما حول البروفسور رشـوان هذا التحدي إلى جنة للجنسنج بل و قدح البرية فيه تحول الرصيد الباهت للخشب إلى إستثمار مذهل سنوي بحمد الله , تعلم أكثر من خلال الكورس - كل إستراتيجية بالكورس لها سبب و تاريخ و محور نجاح أساسي لك كرائد تقنيات شخصية - ر ت ش
البروفسور رشـــوان إبتدأ بصناديق صغيرة إبتكرها طبقاً للإستراتيجة لمنع الخسائر و إنتهي بمزرعة 230 فدان - ماذا كانت الإستراتيجية؟
موقع إستراتيجيات الجنسنج البري
رابط إستثنائي
الجنسنج البري يستخدم من الدعم الجنسي الطبيعي إلى الحماية من الهجوم النووي - الأبحاث الداعمة موثقة و منتشرة بالإنترنت
و في إستثمار جرئ من أجل المنطقة العربية أثبت البروفسور رشـــوان أنه يمكن نشر الجنسنج البري بالمنطقة العربية على الجبال أينما و جد الجليد - إنه نجاح الإستراتيجيات كتقنيات شخصية
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إنها التقنية الشخصية حين تتعدى حدود الدول و مناطق السيطرة التجارية و إختلاف القوانين و متطلبات العملاء - ما هي الإستراتيجية المستخدمة لإنجاز ذلك
كيف تم تحليل الجنسنج البري إلى العشرات من الفوائق لمختلف الإحتياجات و ما هي الإستراتيجية التي فتحت باب إستخدام التباديل و التوافيق لإبتكار البروفسور رشــوان لثورة الفايتوز منذ سنوات عديدة من خلال نظريته الناجحة و المفعلة للتراكب التضاعفي للفوائق و العلاجات فنتج 360 منتج عالمي تحت فلسفة النياجرا الدولية و قرابة المليون عميل بحمد الله
هنا يمكنك الإنتقال من منظومتك الفردية إلى تشغيل الأشخاص إن إردت و نقل التقنيات إليهم بصيغتك و تجاربك كعلم نافع من بعدك أو تشغيل شركات و معامل و مصانع ملكك أو لحسابك بدء من شراء وردية إلى كامل العمل - ما السر - إنها إستراتيجية فن النجاح - نجاحك أنت - الكورس السابع بمجموعة الإستراتيجيات من بنك التقنيات
إستراتيجية كسب التنافس بزيادة ثقافة العملاء في مجالك
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صدق أو لا تصدق هذه الشركة بدأت بأول إستراتيجية - البدء بدون تمويل - كيف تم التوريد بدون نمويل لأكبر سلسلة معارض بأمريكا الشمالية و كندا و كيف تم البيع بالملايين
إستراتيجيات كيفية الإنتقال من مجرد فكرة لمنتجك معروض بأكبر المحلات و المعارض مثل walmart
تعلم توقيت إستراتيحية تحويله لمنتج معروف على مستوى قارة بالتلفاز
و المعارض الدولية
و السباقات و عروض الفعالية
وشهادات التقدير و الجودة
تعلم إستراتيجية إفتخار الكاتلوجات بشمول منتجاتك
و أراء العملاء الراضيين
ما سبب إستراتيجية التعبئة بالجملة
ثم على مستوى العالم بالإنترنت و التصدير - كيف تستخدم إستراتيجيات البروفســور رشــوان في إتخاذ القرار الصحيح - شراء أحدث الإستراتيجيات هو أفضل إستثمار لتبدء مشروعك